

Once upon a time, there was a brittle but superconducting niobium-tin…

The production of the new niobium-tin cables for the high-performance superconducting magnets of the HL-LHC is now in full swing at CERN. >>

LHC Report: imaginative injectors

A new bunch injection scheme from the PS to the SPS allowed the LHC to achieve a new peak luminosity record. >>

Voices of Romanian scientists

As Romania has now become a Member State of CERN, Romanian scientists share their thoughts about this new era of partnership for their community. >>

Fighting fires... with science

CERN firefighters are working with a research centre in the United States to develop more effective firefighting techniques. >>

Muse at CERN

On 19 July, the world-famous, English rock band, Muse, visited CERN before taking centre-stage at Nyon’s Paléo Festival. They toured some of CERN’s installations, including the Synchrocyclotron and the Microcosm exhibition, and also looked in on CMS and the Antimatter Factory.   >>

The hundredth Gentner Doctoral Student has started at CERN

Almost ten years after the start of the programme in 2007, the hundredth Gentner Doctoral Student started his PhD at CERN. >>

EUCYS prizewinner visits CERN

Young Turkish student Baris Volkan Gürses visited CERN from 4 to 8 July after winning the prize in the 2015 European Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS).  >>

EIROforum goes to ESOF 2016

CERN and its partners from the EIROforum network participate in the EuroScience Open Forum, Europe’s largest public-facing scientific event. >>

The CERN & Society programme launches its newsletter

The newsletter will be issued quarterly. Sign up to remain informed about the latest initiatives of the CERN & Society programme!  >>

Bike2Work 2016 is over – keep on pedalling!

142 CERN teams cycled more than twice around the Earth in the thirteenth year of Switzerland’s Bike2Work initiative. >>

Spaceflight participant visits CERN!

On 15 July, CERN welcomed spaceflight participant Anousheh Ansari. >>

Computer Security: WWW censorship? Not at CERN

Whoops! We received a number of critical responses to our previous article on the upcoming DNS firewall (“DNS to the rescue!” - see here). While they were mostly constructive, the main question was “How dare we censor Internet access?” Let us clarify this. >>

Ombud’s Corner: due credit!

Patents, copyrights, trademarks… there are many ways to protect intellectual property and yet, despite these precautionary measures, it seems that colleagues sometimes still slip up: plots done by one person are used in another’s presentation without being appropriately credited, citations are wrongly assigned, references are inaccurate… >>

Don’t leave your baggage unattended

“Don’t leave your baggage unattended” is a familiar request to anyone who travels by air, but it’s good advice wherever you may be.  >>

Security affects us all!

In the hope of minimising the number of thefts of the Organization’s property, which can lead to months of work going to waste on certain projects, you are reminded of the importance that CERN attaches to the rules concerning the protection of equipment for which we are responsible. If you see any unusual behaviour or if you are the victim of a theft, don’t hesitate to report it by submitting a ticket through the CERN Portal or calling the CSA. Security affects us all! >>

Official News

Don’t leave your baggage unattended  
Procedure for obtaining visas for Switzerland and France - Signature rights  
Administrative Circular No. 11 (Rev. 4) - Categories of members of the personnel  
Security affects us all!  

Training and Development

Safety Training: "Habilitation électrique - Non-Electrician - Initial" course in September  
Safety Training: "Manual Handling" course in September  


New AIDA-2020 call for breakthrough detector technologies  
CERN announces the fourth annual Beamline for Schools competition  
New shuttle stop in front of the Safety Training Centre  
Logistics Services Reminder  
CERN restaurants: opening hours during summer  


‘Lightning talks’ from the CERN openlab summer students | 15 and 18 August 2016  
This summer, go behind-the-scenes of CERN in photos in the Microcosm  
Cryogenic Safety HSE Seminar | 21 - 23 September 2016  

Staff Association

CERN, an Invaluable Asset for Humanity – Interview with the Director-General, Fabiola Gianotti  
Collection for Ecuador  
Offers for our members  
Cine club  