
Innovative technologies for next-generation neutrino detectors are currently being tested in the CERN Neutrino Platform project WA105.

I can’t begin a message to personnel without saluting the amazing performance of the LHC as the Geneva summer finally gets under way. Nevertheless, last week, I left CERN behind me to spend some time at the biennial EuroScience Open Forum, ESOF2016, Europe’s biggest public-facing scientific event.

This week I’m in Chicago for the 38th International Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP 2016, hosted this year by the US particle physics community. While it became clear at the conference that the famous 750 GeV bump has flatlined, there’s been a wealth of physics from CERN and around the world.
The LHC has been in great shape over the last few months, delivering over 20 fb-1 of integrated luminosity before the ICHEP conference in Chicago at the beginning of August. This is not much below the 25 fb-1 target for the whole of 2016. With this success in mind, a break in luminosity production was taken for six days, starting on 26 July 2016, for a machine development period.
CERN had a major presence at the ESOF2016 conference this week, largely in collaboration with our EIROforum partners. A keynote session featuring the CERN Director-General, Fabiola Gianotti, EMBL Director-General, Iain Mattaj, and ESO Director for Science, Rob Ivison, and chaired by BBC science correspondent Pallab Ghosh debated the value of European collaboration in science.
According to TripAdvisor, CERN is Geneva’s top tourist attraction, welcoming almost 110,000 visitors per year.
This year, the 10,000th teacher will visit CERN since its first teacher programme in 1998.
On 12 July 2016, José Miguel Jiménez, Head of CERN Technology Department, has been awarded a spanish civil decoration — an encomienda — of the Order of Alfonso X the Wise (see here), for his outstanding experience in the field of research and scientific management in particle physics.
This summer, CERN appeared at various festivals in the UK.
Have you already joined the hype surrounding the No. 1 iOS and Android app “Pokémon GO” and started hunting for wild virtual Pokémon while walking through the real world? Have fun and catch them all!!! But also take some physical and digital care!
Our dear colleague Roberto Petronzio passed away on 28 July at the age of 67. He was a CERN fellow from 1977 until 1979, and then a staff member in the Theory division from 1980 until 1986. He played a significant role in our field as Professor at the University of Tor Vergata, as President of the INFN (2004-2011), and as a member of the CERN Council.
On Saturday 27 August, the IT Department’s Communication Systems group will perform a major reorganisation of CERN’s General Purpose Network.
As the fine weather appears and CERN fills up with summer visitors, the number of people cycling to and from CERN and around the CERN campus rises dramatically – and so does the number of accidents involving bicycles. So far this summer, there have been 10 reported accidents, all of which could have been avoided. There are many things that road users of all kinds can do to make cycling safer and stop that number rising any further.