Results of the 2017 elections
The election of the Staff Council for the period 2018-2019 is now over and the first lesson is a turnout for the vote of 56.15 %, higher than for the previous election. This clearly shows the interest that members of the Staff Association attach to the work and dedication of their delegates. Of course we also thank all those who stood up as candidates and expressed their commitment to actively defend the interests of the staff and of CERN.
This newly-elected Staff Council (see its composition below) is truly representative of all sectors and professions of the Organization. This will be a major asset when representatives of the Staff Association discuss with Management and Member States on issues which we will have to address during the next two years.
Strong with this vote of confidence, we are certain that we can count on your active and ongoing support of our members and all personnel at CERN for the future. We know there will be no shortage of challenges. Together we will be stronger and more creative to take them on.
NEW STAFF COUNCIL - 2018-2019 mandate
1 Group A: benchmark jobs classified in grade spans 1-2-3, 2-3-4, 3-4-5 and 4-5-6.
2 Group B: benchmark jobs classified in grade spans 6-7-8 and 9-10.