How to read Administrative Circular No. 33 on duty travel?

The Staff Association was disappointed by the lack of information for all member of personnel travelling for CERN, on the interpretation of certain measures of AC 33, which came into force on 1 January 2020. Such information is necessary if, as Management desires, the application of CA 33 in all departments should be harmonised and made comprehensible.

We have therefore decided to give you the information you need. Remember that the initial goal announced by Management was to treat all staff members in a uniform manner, to streamline administrative processes but also to make savings.

§49 of the Circular: Other expenses

" The following other expenses necessarily incurred in relation to duty travel may be paid or reimbursed at actual costs, provided each individual item claimed exceeds 20 CHF”.

The amount of each line of this item, if it is more than 20CHF, will be paid. Example: if the sum of all toll and petrol charges is more than 20CHF, the charges will be reimbursed (§49, line g).

§53 of the Circular: Local duty travel

"The Organization shall cover transport and other expenses necessarily incurred when the cumulative amount exceeds 10 CHF. No DTA is paid in respect of local duty travel.”

The reference to other costs includes the list of expenses in §48 (miscellaneous expenses) and §49 (other expenses). The reading of paragraph §49 for local duty travel corresponds to the accumulation of expenses of the same nature exceeding 10CHF.

§61 of the Circular

"In exceptional and duly justified circumstances, when expenses accumulated over the whole duration of the duty travel exceed the cumulative amount of the DTA paid over the same period, the difference may be reimbursed to the traveller. Any excess of the daily travel allowance may be reimbursed at actual cost, if the expenditure proves necessary and justified.”

Any excess of the daily travel allowance may be reimbursed at actual cost, if the expenses are necessary and justified.

§63 of the Circular

"For events in respect of which all duty travel expenses (i.e. transport, accommodation and meals) are paid directly on behalf of the traveller, no DTA shall be paid.”

If transport, accommodation and meals are paid by the Organization, the traveller shall not be entitled to the daily travel allowance. However, if the traveller has other expenses (see §48) which are necessary and justified, these will be reimbursed at actual cost.

In addition, concerning the implementation of the rules in the EDH form, the traveller has the obligation (in order to verify that the expense has taken place) to submit the accommodation invoice even if he has opted to be reimbursed by the daily travel allowance.

The Staff Association notes and is concerned that this treatment differs from the discussions of the subgroup of the Standing Concertation Committee (in charge of reviewing, inter alia, administrative and operational circulars) insofar as this modality is not mentioned in Administrative Circular 33.

The Staff Association reminds you that, according to Staff Regulation R.V.1.27 and paragraph §46 of Administrative Circular 33, you are entitled to claim a daily travel allowance

par Staff Association