Creation of the SCC sub-group on career development
In the questionnaire sent to all employed members of personnel (MEPs) at the end of 2019, the personnel expressed a clear expectation that the career development aspects, which have undergone major changes in the 2015 five-yearly review, would be improved.
This subject was discussed several times during the Standing Concertation Committee (SCC) meetings in 2019 and finally led to the creation of the SCC sub-group that will work on career development issues.
The mandate is still to be finalised but, in its current version stipulates that the Standing Concertation Committee entrusts the working group with the following tasks:
- To examine all necessary aspects of career development and to explore new ways and additional mechanisms to maintain the motivation and expertise of the personnel of the Organisation at its highest level.
- To study the technical aspects concerning the analysis of the career development of CERN personnel and its career prospects within the framework of the present salary scale. To this end, the working group will draw on the contribution of the MoMERIT working group, to focus on long-term trends in career development; and
- To make the associated recommendations.
The Management and the Staff Association have agreed that the priority subject under consideration will be the situation of persons reaching the end of their grade or already in a personal situation.
Work is to begin as soon as the mandate is approved , hopefully during the SCC meeting on March 11th , the technical studies and recommendations to be presented and finalised to the SCC within a maximum of 12 months.
In addition, within the framework of this priority study, some other topics could be addressed if the work so requires such as:
- Processes of validation of the acquired experience , internal mobility, and career interviews
- Benchmark jobs (BMJs)
- The promotion guide
- Salary levels on recruitment
- The selection of candidates for managerial positions.
If this is not the case, the Staff Association has urged and expects that a review of these processes will be organized in the future.
We will, of course, keep you informed of the progress of this work.