CERN Accelerating science


8 items
last update: 07 Nov 2001, 00:00
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Study of Mechanical Disturbances in Superconducting Magnets using Piezoelectric Sensors and Quench Antenna / Artoos, K ; Dezillie, B ; Mompo, R ; Siemko, A ; Tommasini, D
Mechanical disturbances in superconducting magnets were studied by recording and characterising the signals induced in piezo-electric ceramic sensors (piezos) and accelerometers by spontaneous acoustic emission (AE) during magnet excitation. The localisation of AE sources as recorded by the piezos corresponds to the localisation obtained by another, indirect technique, the so-called Quench Antenna. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-498; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-498.- Geneva : CERN, 2003 - 5 p. Access to fulltext document: PDF;
In : International Symposium of Young Scholars on Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments, Changsha, China, 11 - 16 Aug 2001, pp.168-171 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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Energy Extraction in the CERN Large Hadron Collider : a Project Overview / Dahlerup-Petersen, K ; Erokhin, A ; Kazmine, B ; Medvedko, A S ; Sytchev, V V ; Vasilev, L B /CERN-Russia Collaboration
In case of a resistive transition (quench), fast and reliable extraction of the magnetic energy, stored in the superconducting coils of the electromagnets of a particle collider, represents an important part of its magnet protection system. In general, the quench detectors, the quench heaters and the cold by-pass diodes across each magnet, together with the energy extraction facilities provide the required protection of the quenching superconductors against damage due to local energy dissipation. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-496; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-496.- Geneva : CERN, 2001 - 4 p. Access to fulltext document: PDF;
In : 13th International Pulsed Power Conference and 28th International Conference on Plasma Science, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 17 - 22 Jun 2001, pp.1473-6 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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An Improved Method using RBF Neural Networks to Speed up Optimization Algorithms / Aleksa, Martin ; Bazan, M ; Russenschuck, Stephan
The paper presents a method using Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks to speed up deterministic search algorithms used for the optimization of superconducting magnets for the LHC accelerator project at CERN. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-495 ; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-495.
- 2001. - 5 p.
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Magnetic Field Calculations Including the Impact of Persistent Currents in Superconducting Filaments / Aleksa, Martin ; Russenschuck, Stephan ; Völlinger, Christine
The magnetic field in the coils of superconducting magnets induces so-called persistent currents in the filaments. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-494 ; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-494.
- 2002. - 4 p.
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Molecular desorption by synchrotron radiation and sticking coefficient temperatures for H$_{2}$, CH$_{4}$, CO and CO$_{2}$ / Baglin, V ; Collins, I R ; Gröbner, Oswald ; Grünhagel, C ; Jenninger, B
A cryogenic vacuum system has been used to study both the surface pumping of gases and the molecular photodesorption yield from OFE copper in the temperature range from 5 K to 300 K. The sticking coefficient on a `bare surface´ was found to increase with decreasing temperature of the substrate and below 20 K, to be in the range of a few percent for all gas species studied. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-518; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-518.- Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 10 p. - Published in : Vacuum 67 (2002) 421-428 Access to fulltext document: PDF;
In : 7th European Vacuum Congress and 3rd European Topical Conference on Hard Coatings, Madrid, Spain, 17 - 21 Sep 2001, pp.421-428 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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Hygromechanical behaviour of CFRP under cyclic humidity loadings / Hauviller, Claude
Stable lightweight structures are key issues in the design and construction of the LHC high precision particle detectors. [...]
- 2001. - 9 p.
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Critical Current Test Facilities for LHC Superconducting NbTi Cable Strands / Boutboul, T ; Charifoulline, Z ; Denarié, C H ; Oberli, L R (CERN) ; Richter, D
The Rutherford-type superconducting Cu/NbTi cables of the LHC accelerator are currently mass-produced by a few industrial firms. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-520 ; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-520.
- 2001. - 8 p.
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