CERN Accelerating science

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last update: 09 Nov 2001, 00:00
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High Current Diffusion Type Diodes at Cryogenic Temperatures for the LHC Superconducting Magnet Protection / Coull, L ; Denz, R ; Hagedorn, Dietrich
High-current by-pass diodes are required for the protection of the superconducting magnets for the Large Hadron Collider LHC at CERN . These diodes are at liquid helium tem-perature and will be exposed to irradiation. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-131; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-131.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 9 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 371-378 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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A Possible 1.8 K Refrigeration Cycle for the Large Hadron Collider / Millet, F ; Roussel, P ; Tavian, L ; Wagner, U
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) under construction at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, CERN, will make use of superconducting magnets operating below 2.0 K. This requires, for each of the eight future cryogenic installations, an isothermal cooling capacity of up to 2.4 kW obtained by vaporisation of helium II at 1.6 kPa and 1.8 K. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-140; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-140.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 8 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 387-393 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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Design of the second series 15 m LHC prototype dipole magnet cryostats / Brunet, J C ; Parma, Vittorio ; Peón-Hernández, G ; Poncet, Alain ; Rohmig, P ; Skoczen, Blazej ; Williams, L R
A first series of six LHC 10 m long prototype dipole magnets and cryostats have been manufactured in European Industry and the assembled cryo-magnets tested singly and connected in series in a test string at CERN between March 1994 and December 1996. During the same period, an evolution in the requirements for LHC cryogenics distribution has lead the project management to adopt a separate cryo-distribution line running parallel to the LHC machine1. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-133; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-133.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 8 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 435-441 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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A Simplified Cryogenic Distribution Scheme for the Large Hadron Collider / Chorowski, M ; Erdt, W K ; Lebrun, P ; Riddone, G ; Serio, L ; Tavian, L ; Wagner, U ; Van Weelderen, R
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), currently under construction at CERN, will make use of superconducting magnets operating in superfluid helium below 2 K. The reference cryogenic distribution scheme was based, in each 3.3 km sector served by a cryogenic plant, on a separate cryogenic distribution line which feeds elementary cooling loops corresponding to the length of a half-cell (53 m). [...]
LHC-Project-Report-143; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-143.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 9 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 395-402 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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Cooling Strings of Superconducting Devices below 2 K : the Helium II Bayonet Heat Exchanger / Lebrun, P ; Serio, L ; Tavian, L ; Van Weelderen, R
High-energy particle accelerators and colliders contain long strings of superconducting devices - acceleration RF cavities and magnets - operating at high field, which may require cooling in helium II below 2 K. In order to maintain adequate operating conditions, the applied or generated heat loads must be extracted and transported with minimum temperature difference. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-144; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-144.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 9 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 419-426 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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Helium Recovery in the LHC Cryogenic System following Magnet Resistive Transitions / Chorowski, M ; Hilbert, B ; Serio, L ; Tavian, L ; Wagner, U ; Van Weelderen, R
A resistive transition (quench) of the Large Hadron Collider magnets provokes the expulsion of helium from the magnet cryostats to the helium recovery system. A high-volume, vacuum-insulated recovery line connected to several uninsulated medium-pressure gas storage tanks, forms the main constituents of the system. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-145; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-145.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 9 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 467-474 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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Latest Developments on HeII Co-Current Two-Phase Flow Studies / Rousset, B ; Gauthier, A ; Grimaud, L ; Van Weelderen, R
Large scale experiments were performed at CEA Grenoble with the support of CERN to simulate and understand the HeII cooling circuit of the LHC. This paper describes the latest results obtained in HeII co-current two-phase flow configuration. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-150; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-150.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 8 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., B 43 (1998) 1441-1448 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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The Consequence of Self-field and Non-uniform Current Distribution on Short Sample Tests of Superconducting Cables / Verweij, A P
Electrical measurements on samples of superconducting cables are usually performed in order to determine the critical current $I_c$ and the n-value, assuming that the voltage U at the transition from the superconducting to the normal state follows the power law, U\sim($I/I_c$)$^n$. An accurate measurement of $I_c$ and n demands, first of all, good control of temperature and field, and precise measurement of current and voltage. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-151; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-151.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 9 p. Access to fulltext document: PDF;
In : 12th International Cryogenic Materials Conference - ICMC '97, Portland, OR, USA, 28 Jul - 1 Aug 1997, pp.1051-1058 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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Review on Boundary-Induced Coupling Currents / Verweij, A P
Boundary-Induced Coupling Currents (BICCs) are generated in multistrand superconducting cables during a field sweep if a) the field sweep and/or b) the electrical contacts between the strands of the cable vary along the cable. Typical parts in a coil which cause large BICCs are the connections between two cables in or outside a coil and the coil ends of racetrack magnets. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-152; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-152.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 11 p. Access to fulltext document: PDF;
In : 12th International Cryogenic Materials Conference - ICMC '97, Portland, OR, USA, 28 Jul - 1 Aug 1997, pp.1059-1068 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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Neutron Irradiation Tests of Calibrated Cryogenic Sensors at Low Temperatures / Junquera, T ; Amand, J F ; Thermeau, J P ; Casas-Cubillos, J /CERN-CEA-IN2P3 LHC Construction Collaboration
This paper presents the advancement of a program being carried out in view of selecting the cryogenic temperature sensors to be used in the LHC accelerator. About 10,000 sensors will be installed around the 26.6 km LHC ring, and most of them will be exposed to high radiation doses during the accelerator lifetime. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-153; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-153.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 9 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 765-772 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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Cryogenic Thermometer Calibration Facility at CERN / Balle, C ; Casas-Cubillos, J ; Thermeau, J P /CERN-CEA-IN2P3 LHC Construction Collaboration
A cryogenic thermometer calibration facility has been designed and is being commissioned in preparation for the very stringent requirements on the temperature control of the LHC superconducting magnets. The temperature is traceable in the 1.5 to 30 K range to standards maintained in a national metrological laboratory by using a set of Rhodium-Iron temperature sensors of metrological quality. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-157; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-157.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 8 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 741-748 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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Operational Experience with a Cryogenic Axial-Centrifugal Compressor / Decker, L ; Kündig, A ; Löhlein, K ; Purtschert, W ; Ziegler, B L ; Lebrun, P ; Tavian, L ; Brunovsky, I ; Tucek, L
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), presently under construction at CERN, requires large refrigeration capacity at 1.8 K. Compression of gaseous helium at cryogenic temperatures is therefore inevitable. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-161; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-161.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 4 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 637-641 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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The New Superfluid Helium Cryostats for the Short Straight Sections of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) / Cameron, W ; Dambre, P ; Kurtyka, T ; Parma, Vittorio ; Renaglia, T ; Rifflet, J M ; Rohmig, P ; Skoczen, Blazej ; Tortschanoff, Theodor ; Trilhe, P et al.
The lattice of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) contains 364 Short Straight Section (SSS) units, one in every 53 m long half-cell. An SSS consists of three major assemblies: the standard cryostat section, the cryogenic service module, and the jumper connection. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-162; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-162.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 8 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 411-418 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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293 K - 1.9 K supporting systems for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) cryo-magnets / Mathieu, M ; Parma, Vittorio ; Renaglia, T ; Rohmig, P ; Williams, L R
The LHC machine will incorporate some 2000 main ring super-conducting magnets cooled at 1.9 K by super-fluid pressurized helium, mainly 15m-long dipoles with their cryostats and 6m-long quadrupoles housed in the Short Straight Section (SSS) units. This paper presents the design of the support system of the LHC arc cryo-magnets between 1.9 K at the cold mass and 293 K at the cryostat vacuum vessel. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-163; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-163.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 9 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 427-434 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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A High Reliability Gas-driven Helium Cryogenic Centrifugal Compressor / Bonneton, M ; Tavian, L ; Gistau-Baguer, Guy M ; Turcat, F ; Viennot, P
A helium cryogenic compressor was developed and tested in real conditions in 1996. The achieved objective was to compress 0.018 kg/s Helium at 4 K @ 1000 Pa (10 mbar) up to 3000 Pa (30 mbar). [...]
LHC-Project-Report-164; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-164.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 8 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 643-649 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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Cable Magnetization Effects in the LHC Main Dipole Magnets / Bottura, L ; Schneider, M ; Walckiers, L ; Wolf, R
Several short (1 m) and long (10 m) dipole models have been tested within the scope of the on-going R&D; programme for LHC at CERN. We report here the results of measurements of field quality in these dipoles, focussing on the contribution of cable magnetization. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-169; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-169.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 9 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 451-458 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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Precise wide range heatmeters for 1.5 K up to 80 K / Ferlin, G ; Jenninger, B ; Rieubland, Jean Michel
Two heatmeters were designed at CERN for applications below 20 K with the option to work also at temperatures up to 80 K. The new calibration principle and design permits the construction of wide rang e heatmeters with precision in the range of milliwatts. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-171; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-171.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 8 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 811-818 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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Beam Effects on the Cryogenic System of LEP2 / Gayet, P ; Kaiser, D ; Winkler, G
The LEP collider was operated during 1996 for the first time with superconducting cavities at the four interaction points. During operation for physics it was observed that the dissipated heat in the cavities is not only a function of the acceleration gradient, but depends also on beam characteristics such as intensity, bunch length and beam current. [...]
CERN-LHC-97-007-ACR.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 8 p. Report - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 131-137 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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Thermohydraulics of Resistive Transitions of the LHC Prototype Magnet String : Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Results / Chorowski, M ; Hilbert, B ; Serio, L ; Van Weelderen, R
In preparation for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) project, a 40 m-long prototype superconducting magnet string, representing a half-cell of the machine lattice, has been built and operated. The superconducting magnets which comprise this string normally operate in a pressurized static bath of superfluid helium at a pressure of 1 bar and at a temperature of 1.9 K. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-146; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-146.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 9 p. - Published in : Adv. Cryog. Eng., A 43 (1998) 459-466 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
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