CERN Accelerating science

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last update: 12 Jun 2013, 12:40
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Models of Networked Analysis at Regional Centres for LHC Experiments (MONARC), Phase 2 Report, 24th March 2000 / Aderholz, Michael ; Amako, K ; Augé, E ; Bagliesi, G ; Barone, L ; Battistoni, G ; Bernardi, M ; Boschini, M ; Brunengo, A ; Bunn, J J et al.
CERN-LCB-2000-001 ; KEK-2000-8.
- 2000. - 43 p.
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INSPIRE: Realizing the dream of a global digital library in High-Energy Physics / Holtkamp, Annette (CERN) ; Mele, Salvatore (CERN) ; Simko, Tibor (CERN) ; Smith, Tim (CERN) /INSPIRE Collaboration
High-Energy Physics (HEP) has a long tradition in pioneering infrastructures for scholarly communication, and four leading laboratories are now rolling-out the next-generation digital library for the field: INSPIRE. This is an evolution of the extraordinarily successful, 40-years old SPIRES database. [...]
CERN-OPEN-2010-019.- Geneva : CERN, 2010 - 9 p. Fulltext: PDF; Slides: PDF;
In : 3nd Workshop Conference: Towards a digital mathematics library, Paris, France, 07 - 08 Jul 2010, pp.83-92
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