CERN Accelerating science

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Early CERN accelerators
5 items
last update: 21 Nov 2017, 11:57
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Category Accelerator - CERN-OBJ-AC-005.
PS proton source
source à protons du PS

Building 282

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Category Accelerator - CERN-OBJ-AC-019.
AA quadrupole magnet
aimant quadripole du AA

Building 193, P_P bar / Exhibition AD

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Category Accelerator - CERN-OBJ-AC-020.
antiproton target
cible antiproton

Building 143

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Category Accelerator - CERN-OBJ-AC-031.
Magnetic Focusing Horn
Corne de focalisation d'antiprotons

Building 282

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Category Accelerator - CERN-OBJ-AC-022.
magnetic horn
corne magnétique

Building 282

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