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open access
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Colloquium on Open Access (OA) Publishing in Particle Physics, 7-8 December 2005, CERN : minutes / Yeomans, Joanne (CERN)
The objective of this Colloquium was to gather practical ideas from all the actors in the particle physics publishing community (scientists, members of funding gencies, publishers ...) for an action plan to make the transition to full open access and low-cost publishing. [...]
- 2006. - 8 p.
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Continuing CERN action on Open Access / Altarelli, Guido (SIPB Chairman)
Open Access (OA) is an idea that would change the publishing landscape to bring benefits to all readers and authors. [...]
- 2005. - 5 p.
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Fast-Forward on the Green Road to Open Access: The Case Against Mixing Up Green and Gold / Harnad, S
This article is a critique of: "The 'Green' and 'Gold' Roads to Open Access: The Case for Mixing and Matching" by Jean-Claude Guedon (in Serials Review 30(4) 2004). [...]
- 2005.
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Cuban Science and the Open Access Alternative / Arencibia Jorge, Ricardo (National Center for Scientific Research , Cuba) ; Araujo Ruíz, Juan A (National Center for Scientific Research , Cuba) ; Torricella-Morales, Raúl G (Ministry of Higher Education, Cuba)
Science in Cuba has experienced extraordinary development since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, in spite of the blockade to which Cuba has been subjected by the United States Government, and thanks to the support and cooperation of the countries that were part of the former Socialist Block. However, after the destruction of the Socialist Block, the Cuban economy suffered through a restructuring process that included the reorganization of the traditional systems for spreading scientific information. [...]
2004 - Published in : High Energy Phys. Libr. Webzine 10 (2004) 4
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Open Access to Monopoly Cable Platforms Versus Direct Access To Competitive International Telecommunications Satellite Facilities : A Study In Contrasts / Katkin, K
In 1999, the FCC authorized direct access to INTELSAT, allowing INTELSAT's U.S. [...]
cs.CY/0109093 ; TPRC-2001-079.
- 2001.
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Open Access Through the User's Looking Glass / Tsakonas, Giannis (speaker) ; Papadatou, Fieroula (speaker)
Geneva : CERN, 2005 - Streaming video. External link: Talk 22 Oct 2005
In : 4th CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 20 - 22 Oct 2005
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E-LIS (and Open Access) in South Africa / De Beer, Jennifer A (speaker)
Geneva : CERN, 2005 - Streaming video. External link: Talk 22 Oct 2005
In : 4th CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 20 - 22 Oct 2005
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Open Access Mouvement in Croatia Through Experience of E-LIS / Pavelic, Damir (speaker)
Geneva : CERN, 2005 - Streaming video. External link: Talk 22 Oct 2005
In : 4th CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 20 - 22 Oct 2005
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9. PRESSCUT-U-2006-198 - Academics thrash out open access details
Published in: Guardian (UK) 2 Mar 2005
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Economics of Open Access Publishing / Bascones-Domingez, Magaly (CERN, former CERN CESID student)
2006 - Published in : Serials 19 (2006) 52-60 External link: e-journal
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CERN's Open Access E-print Coverage in 2006 : Three Quarters Full and Counting / Yeomans, Joanne (CERN)
CERN's open access e-print repository, CERN Document Server (CDS), contains open access full-text copies of nearly three quarters of its own recently-authored documents. As a result of retrospective scanning projects, just over half of all documents written since CERN's creation in 1954 are available. [...]
2006 - Published in : High Energy Phys. Libr. Webzine 12 (2006) 2
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2005, the year CERN ran for Open Access / Gentil-Beccot, Anne (CERN)
CERN has always actively supported the principles of Open Access, for example in its convention, by the creation of its document repository, and by signing the Berlin Declaration in 2003. But in 2005 the activity increased significantly. [...]
2006 - Published in : High Energy Phys. Libr. Webzine 12 (2006) 3
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Open access publishing in particle physics / Voss, Rüdiger (CERN) ; Vigen, Jens (CERN)
In : Briefing Book for the Zeuthen Workshop, v.2, pp.2.8.01
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Book cover Open access : key strategic, technical and economic aspects / Jacobs, Neil (ed.)
Oxford : Chandos, 2006. - 243 p.

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myADS-arXiv - a Tailor-Made, Open Access, Virtual Journal / Henneken, E ; Kurtz, M J ; Eichhorn, G ; Accomazzi, A ; Grant, C S ; Thompson, D ; Bohlen, E ; Murray, S S
The myADS-arXiv service provides the scientific community with a one stop shop for staying up-to-date with a researcher's field of interest. [...]
- 2006. - 4 p.
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16. Particle physicists want to expand open access by Kaiser, Jocelyn
Published in: Science 313 (2006) 1215 CERN library copies
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17. Coalition works to secure open access to published research by Brown, Susan
Published in: Chronicle Higher Education, pp. Internet 20 September 2006 CERN library copies
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18. APS extends open access to all its journals by Thomas, Kim
Published in: VNU Network, pp. Internet 12 September 2006 CERN library copies
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Run 462, R1 = OA, R2 = 3.5A : Resolution of PIDC for DLOG / Kemp, D
1974. - 1 p.
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Accessing tri-gluon correlations in the nucleon via the single spin asymmetry in open charm production / Kang, Zhong-Bo (Iowa State) ; Qiu, Jian-Wei (Iowa State) ; Vogelsang, Werner (BNL) ; Yuan, Feng (LBL/BNL)
We calculate the single transverse-spin asymmetry for open charm production in $pp$ collisions within the QCD collinear factorization approach. [...]
- 2008. - 10 p.
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Approaches to Open Access in Scientific Publishing / Harnad, J
Approaches to scientific journal publishing that provide free access to all readers are challenging the standard subscription-based model. [...]
- 2008.
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Libraries Can Make Open Access Happen Today by Simply Redirecting Subscription Funds: An Update on the SCOAP3 Initiative / Gentil-Beccot, Anne (CERN) ; Schimmer, Ralf (Munich, Max Planck Inst.)
This article reviews the SCOAP3 initiative which aims to redirect the subscription funds used for the core journals in High Energy Physics, to make them Open Access. This model re-interprets the role of librarians in the Open Access debate. [...]
CERN-OPEN-2008-027.- Geneva : CERN, 2008 - 7 p. - Published in : LIBER Q.: 18 (2008) , no. 3-4, pp. 449-458 Preprint: PDF;
In : LIBER 37th Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 3 - 5 Jul 2008, pp.449-458
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Data Preservation, Reuse and (Open) Access in High-Energy Physics / Holzner, A (CERN) ; Igo-Kemenes, P (CERN ; Gjøvik U.) ; Mele, S (CERN)
High-Energy Physics is a discipline relying on scientific instruments of unprecedented size and complexity, yielding a "deluge" of non-reproducible data [...]
- 2008. - 3 p.
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24. Open Access to High Energy Physics Literature
Published in: Metamorphosis (Makedonia), pp. Internet 22 January 2009 CERN library copies
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ICTP Workshop on "Using Open Access Models for Science Dissemination   Jul 2008  - Trieste, Italy  / Canessa, Enrique (ed.); Zennaro, Marco (ed.)
Trieste : Trieste Univ. Abdus Salam Int. Centre Theor. Phys., 2008 - 196 p.
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Open Access Publishing in High-Energy Physics : the SCOAP$^{3}$ model / Mele, S (CERN)
The Open Access (OA) movement is gaining an increasing momentum: its goal is to grant anyone, anywhere and anytime free access to the results of publicly funded scientific research. The High- Energy Physics (HEP) community has pioneered OA for decades, through its widespread “pre-print culture”. [...]
CERN-OPEN-2009-004.- Geneva : CERN, 2009 - 12 p. - Published in : OCLC Syst. Serv. 25 (2009) 20-34 Preprint: PDF;
In : Open access and scholarly communication, pt.3
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An Evolutionary Game-Theoretic Approach to Open Access / Habermann, Katharina ; Habermann, Lutz
The paper presents an evolutionary game-theoretic approach to open access publishing as an asymmetric game between scientists and publishers. [...]
- 2009.
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The SCOAP3 Project : converting the literature of an entire discipline to open access / Vigen, Jens (CERN)
2009 - 7 p.
In : International Conference of Asian Special Libraries on Shaping the future of special libraries: beyond boundaries, New Delhi, India, 26 - 28 Nov 2008, pp.46-53
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Indexing Research Papers in Open Access Databases / Fortis, Alexandra-Emilia
This paper synthesizes the actions performed in order to transform a classic scientific research journal - 'Annals. [...]
- 2009.
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First results from the PARSE.Insight project : HEP survey on data preservation, re-use and (open) access / Holzner, Andre (CERN) ; Igo-Kemenes, Peter (CERN ; Gjovik Coll. Engineering) ; Mele, Salvatore (CERN)
There is growing interest in the issues of preservation and re-use of the records of science, in the “digital era”. [...]
arXiv:0906.0485 ; CERN-OPEN-2009-006 ; CERN-OPEN-2009-006.
- 2009. - 8 p.
Preprint - Preprint - Slides - Full text
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CERN Action on Open Access : Open Meeting on Changing the Publishing Model   16 Sep 2005  - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland  / Engelen, Jos (chairperson)
Geneva : CERN, 2005
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SCOAP3 : where libraries, scientists and publishers meet repositories, peer-reviewed journals and Open Access / Mele, Salvatore (CERN)
The inexorable growth of both Open Access and library budgetary concerns are calling for innovation in scholarly communication. [...]
- 2009. - 6 p.
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ICTP Workshop on "Using Open Access Models for Science Dissemination - Difusión científica y las iniciativas de acceso abierto: recopilación de publicaciones seleccionadas sobre el acceso abierto al conocimiento   Jul 2008  - Trieste, Italy  / Canessa, Enrique (ed.); Zennaro, Marco (ed.)
Trieste : Trieste Univ. Abdus Salam Int. Centre Theor. Phys., 2008 - 205 p.
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Open Access, Intellectual Property, and How Biotechnology Becomes a New Software Science / Murtagh, Fionn
Innovation is slowing greatly in the pharmaceutical sector. [...]
- 2009.
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Self-Selected or Mandated, Open Access Increases Citation Impact for Higher Quality Research / Gargouri, Yassine ; Hajjem, Chawki ; Lariviere, Vincent ; Gingras, Yves ; Carr, Les ; Brody, Tim ; Harnad, Stevan
Articles whose authors make them Open Access (OA) by self-archiving them online are cited significantly more than articles accessible only to subscribers. [...]
- 2010.
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Open vs Closed Access Femtocells in the Uplink / Xia, Ping ; Chandrasekhar, Vikram ; Andrews, Jeffrey G
Femtocells are assuming an increasingly important role in the coverage and capacity of cellular networks. [...]
- 2010.
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Open Access Mandates and the "Fair Dealing" Button / Sale, Arthur ; Couture, Marc ; Rodrigues, Eloy ; Carr, Leslie ; Harnad, Stevan
We describe the "Fair Dealing Button," a feature designed for authors who have deposited their papers in an Open Access Institutional Repository but have deposited them as "Closed Access" (meaning only the metadata are visible and retrievable, not the full eprint) rather than Open Access. [...]
- 2010.
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SCOAP3 and Open Access / Mele, Salvatore (CERN) ; Morrison, Heather (Simon Fraser U.) ; D'Agostino, Dan (Toronto U.) ; Dyas-Correia, Sharon (Toronto U.)
SCOAP3 is an innovative Open Access initiative for publishing in high-energy physics. The model is viewed by many as a potential solution to multiple issues related to the financial crisis, the peer review system, scholarly communication, and the need to support institutional repositories. [...]
2009 - Published in : Ser. Rev. 35 (2009) 264-271
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Open, Closed, and Shared Access Femtocells in the Downlink / Jo, Han-Shin ; Xia, Ping ; Andrews, Jeffrey G
A fundamental choice in femtocell deployments is the set of users which are allowed to access each femtocell. [...]
- 2010.
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First results of the SOAP project. Open access publishing in 2010 / Dallmeier-Tiessen, Suenje (CERN) ; Darby, Robert (Rutherford) ; Goerner, Bettina (Springer-Verlag, GmbH, Tiergartenstrasse 17, 69121 Heidelberg, Germany) ; Hyppoelae, Jenni (CERN) ; Igo-Kemenes, Peter (CERN ; Gjøvik University College) ; Kahn, Deborah (BioMed Central, 236 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8HL, United Kingdom) ; Lambert, Simon (Rutherford) ; Lengenfelder, Anja (Max Planck Digital Library, Amalienstr. 33, 80799 Munich) ; Leonard, Chris (BioMed Central, 236 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8HL, United Kingdom) ; Mele, Salvatore (CERN) et al.
The SOAP (Study of Open Access Publishing) project has compiled data on the present offer for open access publishing in online peer-reviewed journals. [...]
- 2010.
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Highlights from the SOAP project survey. What Scientists Think about Open Access Publishing / Dallmeier-Tiessen, Suenje (CERN) ; Darby, Robert (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg) ; Goerner, Bettina (STFC, Rutherford) ; Hyppoelae, Jenni (CERN) ; Igo-Kemenes, Peter (CERN ; Gjovik U.) ; Kahn, Deborah (BioMed Central, London) ; Lambert, Simon (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg) ; Lengenfelder, Anja (Max Planck Digital Library, Munich) ; Leonard, Chris (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg ; Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals, Doha) ; Mele, Salvatore (CERN) et al.
The SOAP (Study of Open Access Publishing) project has run a large-scale survey of the attitudes of researchers on, and the experiences with, open access publishing. [...]
- 2011. - 14 p.
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Open Access publishing – another important step forward for SCOAP3
Publication en libre accès – nouvelle étape importante pour SCOAP3
/ CERN Bulletin
Over recent years CERN has led an initiative, known as SCOAP3, to convert high-quality journals in the field of high-energy physics to Open Access. This will eventually allow anyone, anywhere, anytime, to access peer-reviewed results of research in our field, and will offer more opportunity for the re-use of scientific information. [...]
BUL-NA-2011-112.- 2011 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 19/2011 20/2011
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Open Access Publishing in High-Energy Physics: the SCOAP(3) Initiative / Mele, Salvatore (CERN)
Scholarly communication in High-Energy Physics (HEP) shows traits very similar to Astronomy and Astrophysics: pervasiveness of Open Access to preprints through community-based services; a culture of openness and sharing among its researchers; a compact number of yearly articles published by a relatively small number of journals which are dear to the community. These aspects have led HEP to spearhead an innovative model for the transition of its scholarly publishing to Open Access. [...]
2010 - Published in : Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Proc.: 433 (2010) , pp. 156-166
In : 6th Conference on Library and Information Services in Astronomy, Pune, India, 14 - 17 Feb 2010, pp.156-166
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Automated Coverage Tester for the Oracle Archiver of WinCC OA / Voitier, A (CERN) ; Golonka, P (CERN) ; Gonzalez-Berges, M (CERN)
A large number of control systems at CERN are built with the commercial SCADA tool WinCC OA (formerly PVSS) [1]. They cover projects in the experiments, accelerators and infrastructure [...]
CERN-ATS-Note-2011-101 TECH.- Geneva : CERN, 2011 - 4 p. - Published in : Conf. Proc.: C111010 (2011) , pp. WEPMS005 Access to fulltext: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Published version from JaCoW
In : 13th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Grenoble, France, 10 - 14 Oct 2011, pp.981-984
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PTaCL: A Language for Attribute-Based Access Control in Open Systems / Crampton, Jason ; Morisset, Charles
Many languages and algebras have been proposed in recent years for the specification of authorization policies. [...]
- 2011.
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Towards a Reference Model for Open Access and Knowledge Sharing, Lessons from Systems Research / Di Maio, Paola
The Open Access Movement has been striving to grant universal unrestricted access to the knowledge and data outputs of publicly funded research [...]
- 2011.
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47. Proposal for the award of contracts for the provision of open access publication services for the benefit of SCOAP3
Proposition d’attribution de contrats pour la fourniture de services de publication en libre accès pour le compte de SCOAP3
341st Meeting of Finance Committee ; 2012
English: PDF
French: PDF
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Book cover Open access / Suber, Peter
The Internet lets us share perfect copies of our work with a worldwide audience at virtually no cost [...]
Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, 2012. - 242 p.

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Open Access, library and publisher competition, and the evolution of general commerce / Odlyzko, Andrew
Discussions of the economics of scholarly communication are usually devoted to Open Access, rising journal prices, publisher profits, and boycotts. [...]
- 2013.
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Editorial: Making GIScience Research More Open Access / Jiang, Bin
This is the editorial for the special issue on "data-intensive geospatial computing", which I guest edited with the International Journal of Geographical Information Science (Taylor & Francis). As remarked in the editorial, the special issue is particularly special in the sense that all source and data are published together with the published papers. [...]
arXiv:1302.1951.- 2013 - 3 p. - Published in : International Journal of Geographical Information Science 25 (2011) 1217 External link: Preprint
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Book cover Introduction to option-adjusted spread analysis . - Rev and expanded 3rd ed of the OAS classic / Windas, Tom
New York : Bloomberg Press, 2007.

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Book cover Unlocking the gates : how and why leading universities are opening up access to their courses / Walsh, Taylor
Princeton NJ : Princeton University Press, 2011. - 1296 p.

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Certification and beyond – DINI open access activities in Germany / Dobratz, Susanne (speaker) (Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany) ; Scholze, Frank (speaker) (Universitätsbibliothek Stuttgart, Germany)
Local publication servers are common and at the same time highly fragmented in Germany. To bring them to greater success it is necessary to standardize further developments. [...]
2005 - 1779. Conferences; CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4)
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Keynote: Open Access - a funder's perspective / Terry, Robert (speaker) (The Wellcome Trust, UK)
2005 - 3193. Conferences; CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4)
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Making the innovation case in Open Access scholarly communication / De Beer, Jennifer A (speaker) (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
It seems almost unnecessary to have to elaborate additional reasons for the adoption of Open Access scholarly communication (OA sc) as manifested through Open Access journals and self-archiving practices. To those active within the OA arena, the case has been convincingly made, and current arguments merely need to be disseminated beyond the Library and Information Science (LIS) sphere. [...]
2005 - 1640. Conferences; CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4)
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OpenDOAR - the Directory of Open Access Repositories / Hubbard, Bill (speaker) (SHERPA Project Manager, UK)
The last year has seen wide-spread growth in the idea of using open access repositories as a part of a research institution's accepted infrastructure. Policy development from institutions and funding bodies has also supported the growth of the repository network. [...]
2005 - 1999. Conferences; CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4)
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Adding value to open access research data: the eBank UK Project / Lyon, Liz (speaker) (UKOLN)
This presentation will briefly examine the changing landscape of e-research and data-intensive science, together with associated trends in scholarly communications. In this context the eBank UK project will be described, which is seeking to enable open access to research data generated from an e-Science application, and to build links from e-research outputs through to e-learning materials. The role of digital repositories and OAI-based aggregator services in facilitating the linking of data-sets from Grid-enabled research applications to e-prints through to peer-reviewed articles, as resources in portals and Learning Management Systems, will be assessed. [...]
2005 - 1641. Conferences; CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4)
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On the open access strategy of the Max Planck Society / Theresa Velden (speaker) (Heinz Nixdorf Center for Information Management in the Max Planck Society)
2004 - 5171. General Meetings; CERN Workshop Series on Innovations in Scholarly Communication: Implementing the benefits of OAI (OAI3) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN Workshop Series on Innovations in Scholarly Communication: Implementing the benefits of OAI (OAI3)
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Two roads, One Destination: The Interaction of Self Archiving and Open Access Journals / David Prosser (speaker) (SPARC Europe)
2004 - 2556. General Meetings; CERN Workshop Series on Innovations in Scholarly Communication: Implementing the benefits of OAI (OAI3) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN Workshop Series on Innovations in Scholarly Communication: Implementing the benefits of OAI (OAI3)
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How to disseminate Open Access Journals through OAI, the DOAJ project / Lotte Jørgensen (speaker) (Lund University)
2004 - 1129. General Meetings; CERN Workshop Series on Innovations in Scholarly Communication: Implementing the benefits of OAI (OAI3) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN Workshop Series on Innovations in Scholarly Communication: Implementing the benefits of OAI (OAI3)
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BOAI: the Budapest Open Access Initiative / Frederick J. Friend (speaker) (University College London)
2002 - 20. General Meetings; 2nd Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI): Gaining independence with e-prints archives and OAI External links: Talk details; Event details In : 2nd Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI): Gaining independence with e-prints archives and OAI
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On the golden road : Open access publishing in particle physics / Vigen, Jens (speaker) (CERN)
The particle physics community has over the last 15 years achieved so-called full green open access through the wide dissemination ofpreprints via arXiv, a central subject repository managed by Cornell University. However, green open access does not alleviate the economical difficulties of libraries as these still are expected to offer access to versions of record of the peer-reviewed literature [...]
2007 - 2300. Conferences; CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI5) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI5)
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Open Access Forever -- Or Five Years, Whichever Comes First: Progress on Preserving the Digital Scholarly Record / Smith, MacKenzie (speaker) (MIT Libraries, USA)
As the migration of scholarly communication from print to digital continues to progress rapidly, and as Open Access to that research literature and related data becomes more common, the challenges of insuring that the scholarly record remain available over time becomes more urgent. There has been good progress on those challenges in recent years, but many problems remain [...]
2007 - 2336. Conferences; CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI5) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI5)
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Book cover Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Integration and OA Framework development and extension cookbook / Penver, Andy
Birmingham : Packt Publ., 2013.

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Book cover Open access and scholarly communication , pt.3. / Eden, Brad
Includes perspectives from CERN and BioMed Central; and articles about open source software and open access funding
Bradford : Emerald Group, 2009. - 66 p.

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Cover not available Open access and scholarly communication , pt.4. / Eden, Brad
This fourth e-book on the subject of open access in the academic field includes a Latin American case study on open access penetration, a paper from Germany on the promotion of OA illustrated by a project at the University of Konstanz, and a case study on OA at Bioline International, a non-profit sc [...]
Bradford : Emerald Group Publishing, 2009. - 80 p. (OCLC Systems & Services International Digital Library Perspectives - Volume 25 ; 25)

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Open access : what you need to know now / Crawford, Walt
Academic libraries routinely struggle to afford access to expensive journals, and patrons may not be able to obtain every scholarly paper they need [...]
Chicago : ALA Editions, 2011. - 83 p.

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Implementing long-term data preservation and open access in CMS / Lassila-Perini, Katri (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) /CMS Collaboration
Implementation of the CMS policy on long-term data preservation, re-use and open access has started. Current practices in providing data additional to published papers and distributing simplified data-samples for outreach are promoted and consolidated. [...]
CMS-CR-2013-362.- Geneva : CERN, 2013 - 6 p. Fulltext: PDF;
In : 20th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 14 - 18 Oct 2013
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LHC data to be made public via Open Access initiative
Des données du LHC rendues publiques dans le cadre d’un projet pédagogique
/ Achintya Rao
CMS has collected around 64 petabytes of analysable proton-proton data so far. Along with published papers, these data constitute the scientific legacy of the CMS collaboration, and preserving the data for future generations is crucial [...]
BUL-NA-2013-244.- 2013 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 48/2013 49/2013 Fulltext: CMS-data_image - JPG; CMS event display demo_image - GIF;
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Book cover Scholarly communication in library and information services : the impacts of open access journals and e-journals on a changing scenario / Mukherjee, Bhaskar
This book has been written with a view to understand the validity of the perceptions of Open Access (OA) e-journals in the Library and Information Science (LIS) field [...]
Burlington, MA : Elsevier Science, 2010. - 319 p.

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Open Access - what has been going on? / Swan, Alma (speaker) (Key Perspectives Ltd, UK)
New gold journals, alchemy at work on existing journals, hybrids and chimaeras; new repositories, growing repositories, empty repositories; Anglo-Saxon governments in a tizz; funder fudges, funders holding firm; employer moves; gold publishers, green publishers, grey publishers, green publishers going grey; authors - yes, no, don't know; Dutch cream, Scotland the Brave, the QUT-ting edge; Google; Jan Velterop. And more. [...]
2005 - 2496. Conferences; CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4)
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Book cover Open access and its practical impact on the work of academic librarians : collection development, public services, and the library and information science literature / Bowering Mullen, Laura
This book is aimed at the practicing academic librarian, especially those working on the 'front lines' of reference, instruction, collection development, and other capacities that involve dealing directly with library patrons in a time of changing scholarly communication paradigms [...]
Oxford : Chandos Publ., 2010. - 240 p.
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Extending WinCC OA for Use as Accelerator Control System Core / Marchhart, M (EBG MedAustron, Wr. Neustadt) ; Brett, A B (EBG MedAustron, Wr. Neustadt) ; Hager, M (EBG MedAustron, Wr. Neustadt) ; Janulis, M (EBG MedAustron, Wr. Neustadt) ; Junuzovic, J (EBG MedAustron, Wr. Neustadt) ; Junuzovic, M (EBG MedAustron, Wr. Neustadt) ; Moser, R (EBG MedAustron, Wr. Neustadt) ; Pavetits, H (EBG MedAustron, Wr. Neustadt) ; de Matos Torcato, C (EBG MedAustron,) ; Brett, A B (CERN) et al.
The accelerator control system for the MedAustron light-ion medical particle accelerator has been designed under the guidance of CERN in the scope of an EBG MedAustron/CERN collaboration agreement..
2014 External link: Published version from JaCoW
In : 14th International Conference on Accelerator & Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, San Francisco, CA, USA, 6 - 11 Oct 2013, pp.moppc123
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Book cover Talend for big data : access, transform, and integrate data using Talend's open source, extensible tools / Azarmi, Bahaaldine
Birmingham : Packt Publ., 2014.

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The SCOAP3 initiative and the Open Access Article-Processing-Charge market: global partnership and competition improve value in the dissemination of science / Romeu, Clément (CERN ; HEC, Paris) ; Gentil-Beccot, Anne (CERN) ; Kohls, Alexander (CERN) ; Mansuy, Anne (CERN) ; Mele, Salvatore (CERN) ; Vesper, Martin (CERN ; Niederrhein U. of Appl. Sci.)
The SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics) initiative is an international partnership to convert to Open Access the published literature in the field of High-Energy Physics (HEP). [...]
- 2014. - 15 p.
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The recent Italian regulations about the open-access availability of publicly-funded research publications, and the documentation landscape in astrophysics / Marra, Monica
In October 2013 Italy enacted a law containing the first national regulations about the open-access availability of publicly-funded research results (publications).This contribution examines how these new regulations match with the specific situation of that open-access pioneering discipline which is astrophysics..
- 2014.
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Vulnerabilities in WINCC OA / SEETARAMAN, Savita (speaker)
2014 - 239. CERN openlab Summer Student programme 2014; CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN openlab Summer Student Lightning Talks
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Open Access: there is something you can do…
Libre accès : à vous de jouer
/ Jens Vigen
Since the very beginning, CERN has put a lot of emphasis on the fact that its scientific output should be accessible to everyone. Today, on average, around 10% of articles are published Open Access worldwide. [...]
BUL-NA-2014-207.- 2014 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 41/2014 42/2014
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Open Access Policy for CERN Publications
CERN-OPEN-2021-009 supersedes CERN-OPEN-2017-020 (issued on 17 Apr [...]
CERN-OPEN-2021-009 ; CERN-OPEN-2017-020 ; CERN-OPEN-2014-049.
- 2021. - 1 p.
Policy issued 16 Oct. 2014 (English version) - Policy issued 16 Oct. 2014 (French version) - Revised policy (25 May 2021) - Revised policy (27 Apr. 2017)
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Open Access Policy for CERN Physics Publications
Une politique de libre accès pour les publications de physique du CERN
CERN is committed to Open Access. It represents one of the values written in our Convention sixty years ago and is increasingly important for our Member States. [...]
BUL-AN-2014-057.- 2014 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 43/2014 44/2014
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CERN and APS announce partnership for Open Access
CERN-PR-2014-24-EN. - Geneva : CERN, 2014. - 1 p. (CERN Press Release = CERN Communiqué de presse ; 24.14)

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Open Access publishing initiative, SCOAP3, to start on 1 January 2014
CERN-PR-2013-36-EN. - Geneva : CERN, 2013. - 1 p. (CERN Press Release = CERN Communiqué de presse ; 36.13)

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SCOAP3 Open Access Initiative launched at CERN
CERN-PR-2012-25-EN. - Geneva : CERN, 2012. - 1 p. (CERN Press Release = CERN Communiqué de presse ; 25.12)

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Spectral engineering of coupled open-access microcavities / Flatten, L C ; Trichet, A A P ; Smith, J M
Open-access microcavities are emerging as a new approach to confine and engineer light down to the {\lambda}^3 regime. [...]
- 2015. - 6 p.
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Open access to high-level data and analysis tools in the CMS experiment at the LHC / Calderon Tazon, Alicia (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; Colling, David (Imperial Coll., London) ; Huffman, Michael Adam James (Imperial Coll., London) ; Lassila-Perini, Katri (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; McCauley, Thomas (Notre Dame U.) ; Rao, Achintya Mahesh (West England U.) ; Rodriguez Marrero, Ana Yaiza (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; Sexton-Kennedy, Elizabeth (Fermilab) /CMS Collaboration
The CMS experiment, in recognition of its commitment to datapreservation and open access as well as to education and outreach, hasmade its first public release of high-level data up to half of theproton-proton collision data at 7 TeV from 2010 in CMS Analysis ObjectData format. CMS has prepared, in collaboration with CERN and theother LHC experiments, an open data web portal based on Invenio. [...]
CMS-CR-2015-056.- Geneva : CERN, 2015 - 8 p. - Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 664 (2015) 032027 Fulltext: PDF; IOP Open Access article: PDF;
In : 21st International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Okinawa, Japan, 13 - 17 Apr 2015, pp.032027
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FwWebViewPlus: integration of web technologies into WinCC OA based Human-Machine Interfaces at CERN / Golonka, Piotr ; Fabian, Wojciech (CERN) ; Gonzalez-Berges, Manuel (CERN) ; Jasiun, Piotr (CERN) ; Varela-Rodriguez, Fernando (CERN)
The rapid growth in popularity of web applications gives rise to a plethora of reusable graphical components, such as Google Chart Tools and JQuery Sparklines, implemented in JavaScript and run inside a web browser. In the paper we describe the tool that allows for seamless integration of web-based widgets into WinCC Open Architecture, the SCADA system used commonly at CERN to build complex Human-Machine Interfaces. [...]
2014 - 5 p. - Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 513 (2014) 012009
In : 20th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 14 - 18 Oct 2013, pp.012009
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Amplifying the Impact of Open Access: Wikipedia and the Diffusion of Science / Teplitskiy, Misha ; Lu, Grace ; Duede, Eamon
With the rise of Wikipedia as a first-stop source for scientific knowledge, it is important to compare its representation of that knowledge to that of the academic literature. [...]
- 2015.
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WinCC OA Config Plugin - Introduction

Produced by: Matej Marecek
Director: Manuel Gonzalez Berges
00:03:36.300 / 06 August 2015 / © 2015-2020 CERN
Keywords: Eclipse, IDE, Industrial Control Systems, SCADA, WinCC OA, Xtext
Reference: SCADA-MOVIE-2015-001-001
Language: English

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Non-intrusive User Interaction Monitoring for WinCC OA based Applications / Mr. GUPTA, Shubham (speaker)
2015 - 327. CERN openlab Summer Student programme 2015; openlab summer students' lightning talks 1 External links: Talk details; Event details In : openlab summer students' lightning talks 1
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WinCC OA Eclipse IDE - Code refactoring

Produced by: Matej Marecek
Director: Manuel Gonzalez Berges
00:02:27.067 / 25 November 2015 / © 2015-2020 CERN
Keywords: Eclipse, IDE, Industrial Control Systems, SCADA, WinCC OA, Xtext
Reference: SCADA-MOVIE-2015-001-005
Language: English

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WinCC OA Eclipse IDE - Code assist and importance of config file

Produced by: Matej Marecek
Director: Manuel Gonzalez Berges
00:02:37.333 / 25 November 2015 / © 2015-2020 CERN
Keywords: Eclipse, IDE, Industrial Control Systems, SCADA, WinCC OA, Xtext
Reference: SCADA-MOVIE-2015-001-004
Language: English

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WinCC OA Elipse IDE - Create and import project

Produced by: Matej Marecek
Director: Manuel Gonzalez Berges
00:01:28.667 / 25 November 2015 / © 2015-2020 CERN
Keywords: Eclipse, IDE, Industrial Control Systems, SCADA, WinCC OA, Xtext
Reference: SCADA-MOVIE-2015-001-003
Language: English

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WinCC OA Eclipse IDE - How to install

Produced by: Matej Marecek
Director: Manuel Gonzalez Berges
00:01:59.367 / 25 November 2015 / © 2015-2020 CERN
Keywords: Eclipse, IDE, Industrial Control Systems, SCADA, WinCC OA, Xtext
Reference: SCADA-MOVIE-2015-001-002
Language: English

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Open Access e-books come into play
Les livres électroniques en libre accès entrent en scène
/ Tullio Basaglia
According to the Directory of Open Access Journals, more than 10,000 journals are available on an open access (OA) basis. Building on this success, e-books are also now becoming available under this popular publishing scheme, proving that open access is steadily gaining momentum in scholarly scientific communication. [...]
BUL-NA-2015-251.- 2015 - Published in : CERN Bulletin 47/2015 48/2015
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Tunable open-access microcavities for on-chip cQED / Potts, C A ; Melnyk, A ; Ramp, H ; Bitarafan, M H ; Vick, D ; LeBlanc, L J ; Davis, J P ; DeCorby, R G
We report on the development of on-chip microcavities and show their potential as a platform for cavity quantum electrodynamics experiments. [...]
- 2016.
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Open access for ALICE analysis based on virtualization technology / Buncic, P (CERN) ; Gheata, M (Bucharest, Inst. Space Sciences) ; Schutz, Y (SUBATECH, Nantes)
Open access is one of the important leverages for long-term data preservation for a HEP experiment. To guarantee the usability of data analysis tools beyond the experiment lifetime it is crucial that third party users from the scientific community have access to the data and associated software. [...]
2015 - 5 p. - Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 664 (2015) 032008 IOP Open Access article: PDF;
In : 21st International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Okinawa, Japan, 13 - 17 Apr 2015, pp.032008
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Book cover Statistics for library and information services : a primer for using open source R software for accessibility and visualization / Friedman, Alon
Statistics for Library and Information Services, written for non-statisticians, provides logical, user-friendly, and step-by-step instructions to make statistics more accessible for students and professionals in the field of Information Science [...]
Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publ., 2016. - 355 p.
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Open access journals – what publishers offer, what researchers want / Dallmeier-Tiessen, Suenje (CERN) ; Darby, Robert (Rutherford) ; Goerner, Bettina (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg) ; Hyppoelae, Jenni (CERN) ; Igo-Kemenes, Peter (CERN ; Gjøvik U. College) ; Kahn, Deborah (BioMed Central, London) ; Lamber, Simon (Rutherford) ; Lengenfelder, Anja (Max Planck Digital Library, Munich) ; Leonard, Chris (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg) ; Mele, Salvatore (CERN) et al.
The SOAP (Study of Open Access Publishing) project has analyzed the current supply and demand situation in the open access journal landscape. Starting from the Directory of Open Access Journals, several sources of data were considered, including journal websites and direct inquiries within the publishing industry to comprehensively map the present supply of online peer-reviewed OA journals. [...]
2011 - Published in : Info Services Use 31 (2011) 85-91 IOS Press Open Access article: PDF;
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99. PRESSCUT-H-2016-242 - CERN release 300TB of large hadron collider data into open access by Coldewey, Devin
Published in: Tech Crunch, pp. 2 p 22 Apr 2016 CERN library copies
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Book cover Knowledge unbound : selected writings on Open Access, 2002-2011 / Suber, Peter
Peter Suber has been a leading advocate for open access since 2001 and has worked full time on issues of open access since 2003 [...]
Cambridge, MA : The MIT Press, 2016. - 436 p.
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Book cover Open access and the future of scholarly communication , v.1 : Policy and infrastructure ; v.2 : Implementation. / Smith, Kevin L (ed.) ; Dickson, Katherine A (ed.)
This volume of Creating the 21st-Century Academic Library looks closely at issues of policy and infrastructure for libraries that wish to provide leadership on their campus in the transition to more open forms of scholarship [...]
Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, 2016-2017. - 2 v.

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Documentation system for WinCC OA developments / Tapta, Eleni (speaker)
2016 - 262. CERN openlab Summer Student programme 2016; openlab summer students' lightning talks 1 External links: Talk details; Event details In : openlab summer students' lightning talks 1
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Analysis and formal verification of Finite State Machine from WinCC OA / Schiavi, Francesca Cecilia (speaker)
2016 - 260. CERN openlab Summer Student programme 2016; openlab summer students' lightning talks 1 External links: Talk details; Event details In : openlab summer students' lightning talks 1
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Rapport Summer Student - Liam Kirsh - SIS/OA / Kirsh, Liam
Mon rapport sur ce que j'ai fait pendant l'été au CERN..
- 2016.
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Scientific Data Science and the Case for Open Access / Sarma, Gopal P
"Open access" has become a central theme of journal reform in academic publishing. [...]
- 2016.
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What is needed for effective open access workflows? / Frick, Claudia (speaker) (Forschungszentrum Juelich)
Institutions and funders are pushing forward open access with ever new guidelines and policies. Since institutional repositories are important maintainers of green open access, they should support easy and fast workflows for researchers and libraries to release publications [...]
2017 - 642. Invenio User Group Workshops; Invenio User Group Workshop 2017 External links: Talk details; Event details In : Invenio User Group Workshop 2017
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Book cover International survey of research university leadership : views on supporting open access scholarly & educational materials
This report looks closely at the attitudes on open access of a sample of 314 deans, chancellors, department chairmen, research institute directors, provosts, trustees, vice presidents and other upper level administrators from more than 50 research universities in the USA, Canada, the UK, Ireland and [...]
New York, NY : Primary Research Group, 2017. - 78 p.
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Open Access in Canada / Beasley, Gerald (speaker) (University of Alberta Libraries, Canada)
2017 - 4713. Library events; Library Science Talk: "Open Access in Canada" - Gerald Beasley, University of Alberta Libraries, Canada External links: Talk details; Event details In : Library Science Talk: "Open Access in Canada" - Gerald Beasley, University of Alberta Libraries, Canada
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WinCC OA Eclipse IDE - Doxygen documentation

Produced by: Matej Marecek
Director: Manuel Gonzalez Berges
00:01:45.367 / 25 November 2015 / © 2015-2017 CERN
Keywords: SCADA, WinCC OA, Eclipse, Xtext, IDE, Industrial Control Systems
Reference: SCADA-MOVIE-2015-001-006
Language: English

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Simplified frontend for data generation and testing purposes in WinCC OA NextGen Archiver project / Puri, Urishita (speaker)
2017 - 252. CERN openlab Summer Student programme 2017; CERN openlab summer students' lightning talks 1 External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN openlab summer students' lightning talks 1
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Book cover The survey of higher education faculty : use of digital repositories and views on Open Access
New York, NY : Primary Research Group, 2010. - 61 p.

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Book cover Survey of academic library efforts to enhance faculty cooperation with open access
New York, NY : Primary Research Group, 2015. - 99 p.

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Book cover Open access and the humanities : contexts, controversies and the future / Eve, Martin Paul
If you work in a university, you are almost certain to have heard the term 'open access' in the past couple of years [...]
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. - 210 p.

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Converting the Literature of a Scientific Field to Open Access through Global Collaboration: The Experience of SCOAP3 in Particle Physics / Kohls, Alexander (CERN) ; Mele, Salvatore (CERN)
Gigantic particle accelerators, incredibly complex detectors, an antimatter factory and the discovery of the Higgs boson—this is part of what makes CERN famous. Only a few know that CERN also hosts the world largest Open Access initiative: SCOAP3. [...]
2018 - Published in : Publications 6 (2018) 15 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
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Benchmarking Kudu and Oracle in typical WinCC OA historical data retrieval use cases / Shah, Rishi Dilpeshkumar (speaker) (Cornell University (US))
2018 - 196. CERN openlab Summer Student programme 2018; CERN openlab summer students' lightning talks 1 External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN openlab summer students' lightning talks 1
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Introduction to a New Open Access Journal by MDPI: Future Physics / Sarkisyan-Grinbaum, Edward K (CERN ; Texas U., Arlington)
2018 - Published in : Future Phys. 1 (2018) 1 Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
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117. Proposal to negotiate an extension of the contracts for the provision of open access publication services for SCOAP3
Finance Committee - Three-Hundred-and-Sixty-Sixth Meeting ; 2018
English: PDF
French: PDF
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Book cover Securing the perimeter : deploying identity and access management with free open source software / Schwartz, Michael
New York, NY : Apress, 2018.

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Book cover The economics of open access : on the future of academic publishing / Eger, Thomas
The increasing shift towards digital publishing has provoked much debate concerning the issues surrounding ‘Open Access’ (OA), including its economic implications [...]
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2018. - 156 p.
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Book cover Contextualizing openness : situating Open Science / Chan, Leslie (ed.) ; Okune, Angela (ed.) ; Hillyer, Rebecca (ed.) ; Albornoz, Denisse (ed.) ; Posada, Alejandro (ed.)
An important part of identifying the structural,technical, policy and cultural contexts for Open Sciencein the Global South is recognizing the plurality anddiversity in the framing and meanings of “openness.” This volume brings together contributions from thetwelve projects that form the Open and [...]
Ottawa : University of Ottawa Press, 2019. - 342 p.
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Book cover Opening access to scenario planning tools / Holway, Jim
Communities, cities, and regions across the United States face a wide range of challenges in making their places more sustainable [...]
Cambridge, MA : Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2012. - 60 p.

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Open Repositories 2019   10 - 14 Jun 2019  - Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany  .-
Repositories play a pivotal role in the information landscape. Through a format that blends DSpace, Fedora, Eprints and other interest group meetings with general conference sessions covering cross-cutting issues, the international Open Repositories Conference creates opportunities to explore the challenges faced by global academic library, research, preservation and access communities. [...]
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Open Access by examples - Focus on medical applications / Zhao, Tianheng (speaker) (University of Cambridge) ; De Fresnoye, Olivier (speaker) (ECHOPEN) ; Nciri, Mejdi (speaker) (IMPACT PHOTONICS) ; Piuzzi, François (speaker) (Commission Physique sans frontières)
2019 - 1860. General Meetings; Sharing Knowledge Conference External links: Talk details; Event details In : Sharing Knowledge Conference
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124. PRESSCUT-H-2019-286 - In Switzerland, Springer nature presents autor survey on Open Access by Porter Anderson
Published in: Publishing Perspectives 24 June 2019 CERN library copies
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Benchmarking tools for NextGen Archiver for WinCC OA / Gupta, Jayaditya (speaker)
2019 - 265. CERN openlab Summer Student programme 2019; First CERN openlab summer student lightning talk session External links: Talk details; Event details In : First CERN openlab summer student lightning talk session
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Book cover Open Access and the library / Oberländer, Anja (ed.) ; Reimer, Torsten (ed.)
Basel : MDPI, 2019. - 142 p.

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127. Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the provision of academic journal subscriptions and open access publishing services
Video-meeting: Finance Committee - Three-Hundred-and-Seventy-First Meeting ; 2020
English: PDF
French: PDF
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Ordre d’accès recommandé (RAO) pour cassette à bande magnétique LTO / Vriet, Paul (Universite Blaise Pascal (FR))
The goal of this internship is to create a protoype of a Recommended Access Order (RAO) generator for LTO tape media used by CERN. [...]
- 2020. - 69 p.
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ALICE LHC IF Project: the WinCC OA System / Arbore, Antonio
Summary ALICE LHC IF is a control software mainly developed in the SCADA enviroment of the WinCC OA System which provides communication channels between the systems of ALICE and LHC. [...]
- 2020.
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Book cover Reassembling scholarly communications : histories, infrastructures, and global politics of open access / Eve, Martin Paul (ed.) ; Gray, Jonathan (ed.)
Cambridge, MA : The MIT Press, 2020. - 438 p.
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The Open Axial Field Magnet: Barrier-Free Access / Taylor, Thomas (CERN)
2017 - 5 p. - Published in : Adv. Ser. Direct. High Energy Phys.: 27 (2017) , pp. 129-133 Fulltext: PDF;
In : The Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR): The First Hadron Collider, pp.129-133
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132. Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the provision of subscriptions to and open access publishing in ELSEVIER journals
Video-meeting: Finance Committee - Three-Hundred-and-Seventy-Fourth Meeting ; 2020
English: PDF
French: PDF
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133. Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the provision of IEEE academic publication subscriptions and open access publishing
Video-meeting: Finance Committee - Three-Hundred-and-Seventy-Fourth Meeting ; 2020
English: PDF
French: PDF
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134. Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the provision of subscriptions to and open access publishing in APS journals
Video-meeting: Finance Committee - Three-Hundred-and-Seventy-Fifth Meeting ; 2021
English: PDF
French: PDF
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CERN’s Identity and Access Management: A journey to Open Source / Corman, Asier Aguado (CERN) ; Rodríguez, Daniel Fernández (CERN) ; Georgiou, Maria V (CERN) ; Rische, Julien (CERN) ; Schuszter, Ioan Cristian (CERN) ; Short, Hannah (CERN) ; Tedesco, Paolo (CERN)
Until recently, CERN had been considered eligible for academic pricing of Microsoft products. Now, along with many other research institutes, CERN has been disqualified from this educational programme and faces a 20 fold increase in license costs. [...]
2020 - 9 p. - Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 245 (2020) 03012 Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
In : 24th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Adelaide, Australia, 4 - 8 Nov 2019, pp.03012
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A proposal for Open Access data and tools multi-user deployment using ATLAS Open Data for Education / Sanchez Pineda, Arturos (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) ; Guerrieri, Giovanni (Universita degli Studi di Udine (IT)) /ATLAS Collaboration
The deployment of analysis pipelines has been tightly related and conditioned to the scientific facility’s computer infrastructure or academic institution where it is carried on. Nowadays, Software as a Service (SaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) have reshaped the industry of data handling, analysis, storage, and sharing. [...]
ATL-SOFT-SLIDE-2021-135.- Geneva : CERN, 2021 - 7 p. Fulltext: PDF; External link: Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS)
In : 25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP), Online, Online, 17 - 21 May 2021
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A proposal for Open Access data and tools multi-user deployment using ATLAS Open Data for Education / Sanchez Pineda, Arturo (speaker) (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
The deployment of analysis pipelines has been tightly related and conditioned to the scientific facility’s computer infrastructure or academic institution where it is carried on. Nowadays, Software as a Service (SaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) have reshaped the industry of data handling, analysis, storage, and sharing. [...]
2021 - 621. Conferences; 25th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics External links: Talk details; Event details In : 25th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics
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A proposal for Open Access data and tools multi-user deployment using ATLAS Open Data for Education / Sanchez Pineda, Arturos (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) ; Guerrieri, Giovanni (Universita degli Studi di Udine (IT)) - core developer - Qualification Task
The deployment of analysis pipelines has been tightly related and conditioned to the scientific facility’s computer infrastructure or academic institution where it is carried on. [...]
- 2021. - 11 p.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text - Fulltext
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A statistics tool for CMS DCS in WinCC OA / Kumhera, Hanna Lea
A statistics tool for the WinCC OA-based CMS Detector Control System has been developed. [...]
- 2021.
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Performance Evaluation of TimescaleDB for Storage of Historical Data from WinCC OA SCADA Systems / Kammakomati, Mehant (speaker)
2021 - 297. Lectures; CERN openlab summer student Lightning talks (2nd session) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN openlab summer student Lightning talks (2nd session)
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Grafana for WinCC OA-based SCADA systems at CERN / Kataria, Yash Inder (speaker)
2021 - 236. Lectures; CERN openlab summer student Lightning talks (1st session) External links: Talk details; Event details In : CERN openlab summer student Lightning talks (1st session)
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142. Proposal to negotiate an extension of the contracts for the provision of open access publication services for SCOAP3
Video-meeting: Finance Committee - Three-Hundred-and-Seventy-Ninth Meeting ; 2021
English: PDF
French: PDF
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Collaborative transition to open access publishing by scholarly societies / Naim, Kamran (CERN) ; Brundy, Curtis (Iowa State U. (main)) ; Samberg, Rachael G (UC, Berkeley (main))
T For decades, universities, researchers, and libraries have sought a systemwide transition of scholarly publishing to open access (OA), but progress has been slow. There is now a potential for more rapid and impactful change, as new collaborative OA publishing models have taken shape. [...]
2021 - 3 p. - Published in : Molecular Biology of the Cell 32 (2021) 311-313 Fulltext: PDF;
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A proposal for Open Access data and tools multi-user deployment using ATLAS Open Data for Education / Pineda, Arturo Sánchez (Annecy, LAPP) ; Guerrieri, Giovanni (INFN, Udine) /ATLAS Software and Computing Collaboration
The deployment of analysis pipelines has been tightly related and conditioned to the scientific facility’s computer infrastructure or academic institution where it is carried on. Nowadays, Software as a Service (SaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) have reshaped the industry of data handling, analysis, storage, and sharing. [...]
2021 - 11 p. - Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 251 (2021) 01008 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP), Online, Online, 17 - 21 May 2021, pp.01008
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145. The NTuple Wizard An NTuple production service for accessing LHCb Open Data
Reference: Poster-2022-1075
Created: 2014. -1 p
Creator(s): O'Neil, Ryunosuke

Making the large datasets collected at the LHC accessible to the public is a considerable challenge given the complexity and volume of data. Yet to harness the full scientific potential of the facility, it is essential to enable meaningful access to the data by the broadest physics community possible. Here we present a tool, the LHCb NTuple Wizard, which leverages the existing computing infrastructure available to the LHCb collaboration in order to enable third-party users to request derived data samples in the same format used in LHCb physics analysis. An intuitive web interface allows for the discovery of accessible datasets and guides the user through the process of specifying a request for producing NTuples: an ordered set of particle or decay candidates cataloging measured quantities chosen by the user. Issues of computer security and access control arising from offering this service are addressed within its design, while still offering datasets suitable for scientific research through the CERN Open Data Portal.

© CERN Geneva

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Compte rendu des reunions OAS 72 et 73 (28/1 et 8/2/82) / Boillot, J ; Henny, L ; Maury, S
CERN-PS-OP-Min-82-7.- Geneva : CERN, 1982 - 15 p. Fulltext: PDF;
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Tentative pour l'evaluation du prochain transfert dans le nouveau systeme de controle PS : "la deuxième tranche" : par les membres OAS / Bouthéon, Μ
CERN-PS-OP-Note-79-10.- Geneva : CERN, 1979 - 7 p. Fulltext: PDF;
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N$_{2}$OAs 17 : Compte-rendu de la réunion du 30 juin 1993 / Boillot, J ; Cyvoct, G ; di Maio, G Daems1 F ; Wildner, B Frammery1 E
CERN-PS-OP-Note-93-56-Min.- Geneva : CERN, 1993 - 48 p. Fulltext: PDF;
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OAS 32 (reunion du 14 juillet 78) /
CERN-PS-OP-Min-78-20.- Geneva : CERN, 1978 - 11 p. Fulltext: PDF;
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Quelques enseignements apres le minirun CT : Par les membres OAS / Bouthéon, M
CERN-PS-OP-Note-78-16.- Geneva : CERN, 1978 - 11 p. Fulltext: PDF;
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151. Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the provision of subscriptions to IOP PUBLISHING journals and open access publishing in such journals
Finance Committee - Three-Hundred-and-Eighty-Fourth Meeting ; 2023
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NextGen Archiver for WinCC OA-based SCADA systems at CERN / Kulaga, Rafal (speaker) (CERN) ; Kveton, Antonin (speaker) (Charles University (CZ))
2023 - 1080. Workshops and Training; 2023 CERN openlab Technical Workshop External links: Talk details; Event details In : 2023 CERN openlab Technical Workshop
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On the silicon diodes, types OA 200 and OA 202 / Mulder, P B
CERN-PS-RF-Note-20.- Geneva : CERN, 1958 - 2 p. Fulltext: PDF;
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Ntuple Wizard: an application to access large-scale open data from LHCb / Aidala, Christine A. (Michigan U.) ; Burr, Christopher (CERN) ; Cattaneo, Marco (CERN) ; Fitzgerald, Dillon S. (Michigan U.) ; Morris, Adam (CERN ; Bonn U., HISKP) ; Neubert, Sebastian (Bonn U., HISKP) ; Tropmann, Donijor (CERN ; RWTH Aachen U.)
Making the large data sets collected at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accessible to the world is a considerable challenge because of both the complexity and the volume of data. This paper presents the Ntuple Wizard, an application that leverages the existing computing infrastructure available to the LHCb collaboration in order to enable third-party users to request specific data. [...]
arXiv:2302.14235.- 2023-06-14 - 14 p. - Published in : Comput. Softw. Big Sci. 7 (2023) 6 Fulltext: document - PDF; 2302.14235 - PDF;
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An Ntuple production service for accessing LHCb Open Data: the Ntuple Wizard / Fitzgerald, Dillon Scott (University of Michigan (US))
LHCb-TALK-2023-100.- Geneva : CERN, 2023 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics, Norfolk, Virginia, Us, 8 - 12 May 2023
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Commitment to Global Open Access Transition Collaboration: Outcomes and Lessons from SCOAP3- Korea / Jung, Youngim (KISTI, Daejeon) ; Kim, Hwanmin (KISTI, Daejeon)
Eight years have passed since the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3) was launched. SCOAP3 is one of the most successful global partnerships and funds for Open Access and has been benchmarked by other Open Access initiatives. [...]
2022 - 10 p. - Published in : JISTaP 10 (2022) 46-55 Fulltext: PDF;
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157. Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the provision of subscriptions to the IEEE Electronic Library and open access publishing in IEEE journals
Finance Committee - Three-Hundred-and-Eighty-Ninth Meeting ; 2023
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158. Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the provision of subscriptions to, and open access publishing in, APS journals
Finance Committee - Three-Hundred-and-Eighty-Ninth Meeting ; 2023
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159. Proposal to negotiate an extension of the contracts for the provision of open access publication services for SCOAP3
Finance Committee - Three-Hundred-and-Ninetieth Meeting ; 2024
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Next Generation Archiver for WinCC OA / Kveton, Antonin (speaker) (CERN)
2024 - 872. Workshops and Training; 2024 CERN openlab Technical Workshop External links: Talk details; Event details In : 2024 CERN openlab Technical Workshop
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161. Proposal for the negotiation of a contract, without competitive tendering, for the provision of subscriptions to and open access publishing in ELSEVIER journals
Finance Committee - Three-Hundred-and-Ninety-Second Meeting ; 2024
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