The Oracle of Delphi Encore!

After the great success of the performance last winter the company Mimescope and CERN stage again The Oracle of Delphi!
A performance with acrobatics, mime and music played in the heart of CERN laboratory. Kept in suspense between dream and reality inside the fertile imagination of the brilliant English physicist Paul Dirac, the audience dives into the fascinating world of antimatter.
The performance will be staged in the PS Soutn Hall, close to LEAR, where the first atoms of antihydrogen were produced. After each performance there will be a short tour around the hall.

  • From 11 January 2001 to 04 February 2001 every Thursday (EXCEPT 1st February!), Friday and Saturday at

  • 20.00 h, and Sundays at 18.00 h.
  • Purchase of tickets from Forum Meyrin, open Monday to Saturday from 14.00h to 18.00h, tel: 022/989.34.34, or through the Billetel system tel: 0901.553.901 (1.50 CHF per minute).
On the days of the event last minute tickets can still be purchased at the Reception desk of bldg 33 on CERN site.
Please arrive 15 min before the performance at the Reception, bldg 33!

Markus Schmid, actor and choreograph of Mimescope, embodying Paul Dirac.

For more information check:

and Mimescope:

Places are limited. The prices are:
Children (from 10 to16) CHF 16, Students CHF 20, Adults CHF 24.