CERN Accélérateur de science


Le Bulletin

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Le travail manuel du CERN couronné

Didier Lombard, chaudronnier de la division EST, a reçu la médaille de 'Meilleur Ouvrier de France'. >>

A glowing tribute to CERN craftsmanship

Didier Lombard, metalworker in EST Division, has been crowned 'France's Top Craftsman'. It's the second time this prestigious title has been bestowed upon a CERN staff member. >>

Visite roumaine au CERN

Le Ministre des affaires étrangères de Roumanie, M. Mircea Dan Geoana, a rendu visite au CERN vendredi 30 mars pour discuter de la collaboration entre son pays et le Laboratoire. >>

Romanian Visit to CERN

Romanian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Mircea Dan Geoana, visited CERN on 30 March to discuss collaboration between his country and the Laboratory. >>

Partir à la retraite du bon pied

La cinquième édition du séminaire de préparation à la retraite a connu un grand succès. >>

Starting Retirement on a Sound Footing

The fifth pre-retirement seminar has been a great success. The various sessions covered questions relating to rules and regulations, as well as financial and health issues, health insurance, residence permits and the psychological aspects of retirement. >>

Des firmes belges en visite au CERN

Les 2 et 3 avril derniers, 15 firmes belges ont rendu visite au CERN pour présenter leur savoir faire. >>

Belgian Firms Visit CERN

Fifteen Belgian firms visited CERN last 2 and 3 April to present their know-how. Industrial sectors ranging from precision machining to electrical engineering and electronics were represented. >>