CERN Accelerating science



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Technical Training: Places available

If you wish to participate in one of the following courses, please discuss with your supervisor and apply electronically directly from the course description pages that can be found on the Web at: http://www. >>

Language Training: Formation en anglais

If you wish to participate in one of the following courses, please discuss with your supervisor and apply electronically directly from the course description pages that can be found on the Web at: http://www. >>

Language Training: English Training

If you wish to participate in one of the following courses, please discuss with your supervisor and apply electronically directly from the course description pages that can be found on the Web at: http://www. >>

Formation en sécurité : Ergonomie - Sensibilisation à l'ergonomie bureautique - French version only

Si vous désirez participer à l'un des cours suivants, veuillez en discuter avec votre superviseur et vous inscrire électroniquement en direct depuis les pages de description des cours dans le Web que vous trouvez à l'adresse : http://www. >>

Technical Training: C++ for Particle Physicists

If you wish to participate in one of the following courses, please discuss with your supervisor and apply electronically directly from the course description pages that can be found on the Web at: http://www. >>

Technical Training: Technical Training Seminar

TECHNICAL TRAINING Monique Duval tel. 74924 Monday 9 February 2004 From 10:00 to 12:00 - IT Auditorium - bldg. >>

Technical Training: CERN Technical Training 2004: Instructor-led WBTechT Course for Microsoft Applications

If you wish to participate in one of the following courses, please discuss with your supervisor and apply electronically directly from the course description pages that can be found on the Web at: http://www. >>

News Articles

Golden Jubilee Event for Cinema Fans  
LHC magnets: first steps in the tunnel  
The 4.5K refrigerators for the LHC are all present and correct!  
ATLAS presents award to a Russian manufacturer within an ISTC project  
Electronic Recruitment at CERN  
Golden Jubilee photos  

Official News

Amendments to the Staff Rules and Regulations  

General Information

Tests of the fire brigade switchboard  
Georges Paillard 1932-2004 - French version only  
Urgent Need of a Doctor  
Afs password expiration starts Feb 2nd 2004  

Staff Association

To be precise...