Standing Concertation Committee - Ordinary Meeting on 15 January 2005

This meeting was devoted to the main topics summarised below.

  1. Follow-up from the meetings of the Finance Committee and Council in December 2004

    The Chairman welcomed two new SCC members representing the Staff Association: Véronique Paris and Gianni Deroma. Expressing their best wishes for the New Year, the members of the SCC took note of a report by the Chairman on the outcome of these Committee meetings and of the Director-General's staff meeting on 10 January 2005, and discussed a number of internal follow-up actions.

  2. Work planning of the SCC & TREF

    The SCC agreed its calendar of ordinary sessions and its draft work planning for the first half of 2005, subject to including a number of matters outstanding from 2004. The Committee discussed internal preparation for the next meeting of TREF on 4 & 5 April devoted to items concerning the current 5-Yearly Review. The SCC also took note of the provisional scheduling of TREF meetings from May to September, which will be settled by the end of this month.

  3. MAPS 2005

    The Committee agreed on the Management's proposal to extend the date limit for individual interviews until 15 March 2005, due to the introduction of the e-MAPS form (see news article below). It also agreed to finalise discussions on the outcome of the 2004 MAPS exercise and to examine the guidelines for the 2005 exercise.

  4. Operational and Administrative Circulars

    The SCC took note of a status report on the review of Administrative Circulars no.14 - Accidents and illnesses suffered by members of the personnel and no.32 - Principles and procedures governing complaints of harassment.

    - Administrative Circular no.14: A revised draft text has been drawn up in accordance with earlier discussions at the SCC. Subject to further consultations regarding, in particular, related modifications to the Rules and Regulations of the Pension Fund and the Rules of the CERN Health Insurance Scheme, this text will be examined at the SCC in February or March.

    - Administrative Circular no.32: A revised draft text will be discussed at the Equal Opportunities Advisory Panel (EOAP) in January and then presented to the CCP sub-group on Equal Opportunities.
    A general review will be made of any changes required to other Administrative and Operational Circulars, taking account of topics which are to be examined in the context of the current 5-Yearly Review.

  5. Introduction of a system of Internal Taxation1) of salaries and emoluments

    Further to discussions on this subject last December, the SCC agreed the proposed text of a document, subject to final editing by the Legal Service. Once approved by the Management, it is intended to distribute this document to Member State delegations with a view to submitting it to the Committee meetings next March.

  6. Entrance Gates C and E to the Meyrin site

    In the light of various questions that have been raised, the Chairman stated that the Management will report on the situation by end January, which will entail some modifications to Operational Circular no.2.

  7. Technical Students - age limits

    Responding to a question from the Staff Association regarding the abolition of applying an upper age limit to technical students, the Chairman stated that this is in line with anti-discrimination provisions in the EU and various Member States.

The next ordinary meeting of the SCC is to be held on 16 February 2005.

1) NB- The introduction of this system would not entail modifications of present CERN salary levels.