Discovery Mondays: Transporting tonnes of equipment with millimetre precision

Transporting huge, very heavy but also frequently fragile items at CERN often presents a real challenge. The task becomes even more challenging when it involves lowering huge LHC machine and detector components 100 metres below ground. The Laboratory's Transport Service uses various techniques and different types of transport and heavy handling equipment to perform these delicate operations. You will have an opportunity to find out more about how they do their job at the next Discovery Monday event.

You will have a close encounter with the trailer used to transport the impressive 15 metre-long, 35-tonne dipole magnets. You will be able to install mock-up magnets in a beam line or test your skill using heavy handling equipment to carry out a most unusual fishing operation. You will be able to take a trip in a three-metre-high lorry and have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to operate a crane. You will also be able to take a test drive in the famous roll-over simulator vehicle.

At the coming Discovery Monday, with the operators at your side, you too can be at the controls of a wide range of heavy handling equipment and transport vehicles.

Join us at the Microcosm (Reception Building 33, Meyrin site),