On stage at the Globe

The Globe's first season this year is to be rounded off with two shows that are in perfect keeping with the centenary of the death of Jules Verne and Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.

'Signé Jules Verne' (Signed Jules Verne)

The Miméscope company, which has already thrilled audiences at CERN with shows such as the 'Oracle of Delphi' and, more recently, 'Point de Suspension', returns with an interactive show entitled 'Signé Jules Verne'. Imagine a slightly crazy machine, which rolls along on wheels, floats, flies or moves in any other way you like, as long as it works on scientific principles. This is the task that Jules Verne sets his audience. Experiments, models, drawings, blueprints, he's interested in them all. In its typical style, Miméscope has created a world of enchantment that combines theatre, choreography, music and lighting effects in a show that evolves as a function of its audience.