CERN Accelerating science



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LHCb: on road and under surveillance

The LHCb's RICH2 detector, the larger of two Ring Imaging Cherenkov detectors, has been successfully installed at the site of the LHCb experiment. >>

ATLAS: last few metresfor the Calorimeter

On Friday 4th November, the ATLAS Barrel Calorimeter was moved from its assembly point at the side of the ATLAS cavern to the centre of the toroidal magnet system. >>

CERN united in generosity to help earthquake victims

On October 8th of this year, the northern part of Pakistan was hit by a massive earthquake which resulted in one of the worst natural disasters in a century, leaving more than 75,000 dead, at least as many injured and at least 3 million people homeless, in a mountainous region where the winter season is very cold. >>

More items on visitors' menu

Two more of CERN's experimental facilities have recently been added to the itineraries offered to the public by the Visits Service. >>

CERN in a historic Global Web-cast

On Thursday 1st December, CERN will be involved in 'Beyond Einstein', a 12-hour live world-wide web-cast, which will feature participants from across the globe, marking the World Year of Physics. >>

Discovery Monday 'Everyday physics: CERN in my kitchen?'

As you start imagining menus for the festive season, the next Discovery Monday invites you to think about the physics behind the food you prepare. >>

On stage at the Globe

The Globe's first season this year is to be rounded off with two shows that are in perfect keeping with the centenary of the death of Jules Verne and Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. >>

From CERN to VENUS Express

In Switzerland, as in many other countries, this year has seen a long list of activities, celebrating the centenary of Einstein's 'Annus mirabilis'. >>

Staff members with 25 years' service at CERN in 2005

The 74 staff members who have spent 25 years at CERN in 2005 were invited by the Director-General to a reception in their honour on 22 November. >>

Official News

Announcement from the Legal Service, FI and HR Departments  
Performance appraisal and advancement exercise 2006 (Rev)  
FINAL REMINDER: Extension/suppression of allowance for dependent child  

Training and Development

Academic Training: Joint ILIAS-CAST-CERN Axion Training at CERN  
Academic Training: Introduction to cryogenic Engineering  
Safety Training: Basic safety courses available everyday in building 55  
Technical Training: Places available  

Staff Association

Résultats des élections au Conseil du personnel 2005 - French version only  
Pension Fund â€" The Management is deceiving us â€" Time for action!