Take part in the CERN scientific adventure: come and explore the Globe!
Programme February-March 2006
Temporary exhibition '100 years after Einstein'
Temporary exhibition '100 years after Einstein'
Exhibition extended until Saturday 1st April 2006 inclusive. Open Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Mini-Einstein: physics for the very young

Mini-Einstein: physics for the very young
Wednesdays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th March at 2.30 p.m. 1 hour duration.
CERN is offering a brand new series of workshops designed to teach the very young all about physics. Through questions, games and hands-on activities based on notions such as weight and the different types of waves, children will be gradually initiated into the world of scientific experimentation.
Workshops for 4 to 6-year-olds, open to children accompanied by adults and to groups. Entrance free - by reservation only (+41 22 767 84 84).

Mad Maths
Wednesday 22nd and Friday 24th March at 8.00 p.m.
In this mad-cap, off-the-wall show, two nutty professors push mathematics to the limits of reason. The result is a hilarious mixture of poetry and the absurd.
Suitable for all levels and ages.Entrance free - by reservation only (+41 22 767 84 84)
In this mad-cap, off-the-wall show, two nutty professors push mathematics to the limits of reason. The result is a hilarious mixture of poetry and the absurd.
Suitable for all levels and ages.Entrance free - by reservation only (+41 22 767 84 84)