CERN Accelerating science



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Members of the personnel shall be deemed to have taken note of the news under this heading. Reproduction of all or part of this information by persons or institutions external to the Organization requires the prior approval of the CERN Management.

The latest Official News articles appear below; for past articles, please see the Official News archive.

2006 Guidelines for Advancement and Promotion

1. General The Director-General has now fixed the guidelines and schedule for the 2006 annual advancement review in the framework of the Merit Advancement and Promotion Scheme (MAPS). >>

Procedure for obtaining visas for Switzerland and France

Signature rights In accordance with their Status Agreements with CERN, Switzerland and France facilitate the entry of members of the Organization's personnel onto their territories. >>

News Articles

Chilling a giant  
Exercises in Heavy Lowering  
Going for gold!  
Literatur zu Gast im Globe  

Training and Development

Academic Training - LHC luminosity upgrade: detector challenges  
Academic Training: Supersymmetry and the LHC - CANCELLED!!!  
Academic Training: Toward Sustainable Energy Systems?  
Technical Training: Places available  

General Information

More changes to the Bulletin  
Temporary work for children of members of the personnel  
Work on the CERN telephone exchanges  
Vente de mouchoirs - French version only  
Blood donation  
Radioactive sources service  
Venture Leaders Prize for innovative technology projects  
L'APPRENTISSAGE AU CERN pour la profession d'assistant(e) en information documentaire - French version only  
Reminder from SC/ME to those in charge of first-aid boxes