Enseignement académique - Pulsed SC Magnets


29, 30, 31 May, 1, 2 June
11:00-12:00 - Auditorium, bldg 500

Pulsed SC Magnets
by M. Wilson

Lecture 1. Introduction to Superconducting Materials

Type 1,2 and high temperature superconductors; their critical temperature, field & current density. Persistent screening currents and the critical state model.

Lecture 2. Magnetization and AC Loss

How screening currents cause irreversible magnetization and hysteresis loops. Field errors caused by screening currents. Flux jumping. The general formulation of ac loss in terms of magnetization. AC losses caused by screening currents.

Lecture 3. Twisted Wires and Cables

Filamentary composite wires and the losses caused by coupling currents between filaments, the need for twisting. Why we need cables and how the coupling currents in cables contribute more ac loss. Field errors caused by coupling currents.

Lecture 4. AC Losses in Magnets, Cooling and Measurement

Summary of all loss mechanisms and calculation of total losses in the magnet. The need for cooling to minimize temperature rise in a magnet. Measuring ac losses in wires and in magnets.

Lecture 5. Stability and Quenching

The problem of training and the consequent need for a stability margin in the conductor. The quench process, methods of calculation and quench protection schemes

Françoise Benz 73127

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par Françoise Benz