CERN Accelerating science



 english | français

French courses for beginners (level 0)

From 17 July to 31 August 2006. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays(8 hours a week / between 11.00 and 15.30) Duration: 56 hours Price: 728 CHF For registration and further information on the courses, please consult our Web pages: >>

Technical Training: Places available

Places available as of 27.6.2006 (July-December course sessions) >>

News Articles

ALICE joins the cosmic ballet  
A word from the DG: Decisions from Council  
ATLAS solenoid operates underground  
CMS tracker slides into centre stage  
Back to work for the PS  
Jim Virdee, the new spokesperson of CMS  
Forget (a while) the World Cup... support the CERN football team  
Public outreach: (R)evolution by the lakeside  

Official News

Revised Safety Instruction NO. 4 (IS4 REV.)  
143rd and 144th meetings of the Governing Board of the Pension Fund  
Pension fund  
Pension fund  

General Information

Renovation work on the Geneva motorway bypass  
Radioactive sources service  
Update of telephone exchange  
Notice of car park and road closures  
Summer Student Programme