
 english | français

Last magnet goes underground

On 26 April, the last superconducting magnet for the LHC was lowered into the accelerator tunnel. >>

A word from the DG: A new model for sharing knowledge

As we all know, a fundamental aim in scientific research is to publish the results with as wide a dissemination as possible. >>

ALICE bags data storage accolades

ComputerWorld has recognized CERN with an award for the 'Best Practices in Storage' for ALICE's data acquisition system, in the category of 'Systems Implementation'. The award was presented to the ALICE DAQ team on 18 April at a ceremony in San Diego, CA. >>

ALICE's first vacuum bakeout a success

At the beginning of April, the ALICE central beryllium beam pipe and absorber beam pipes were successfully conditioned. >>

Maurice Jacob 1933 - 2007

CERN theorist Maurice Jacob passed away suddenly on May 2nd, following a heart attack. Throughout his research career, Maurice was a leader in the theory of high-energy hadron physics. >>

Public outreach: Globe events 2007

Exhibition: The interplay between forces and sounds: exploring physics >>

CERN Relay Race

The CERN relay race will take place around the Meyrin site on Wednesday 23 May starting at 12:15. If possible, please avoid driving on the site during this 20-minute period. >>

Official News

Information from the Legal Service and the HR Department for members of the personnel residing in FRANCE  
Communicating one's local address and emergency contact details  
Induction interview form in EDH  

Training and Development

CERN Technical Training: Open Courses (April - June 2007)  
2006-2007 Academic training programme  
General and Professional French Courses  

General Information

Special convoy  
Various administrative services and AIS applications unavailable on Friday 18th May 2007  
4th June: AIS and NICE/MAIL unique authentication  
FRANCE at CERN - Visit of Firms  
Note from the Recuperation & sales service