Discovery Mondays " A family affair: the particle bestiary"

Pions, quarks, leptons, bosons, muons, kaons, electrons, gluons,... the world of the infinitesimally small is simply heaving with different types of particles with strange names.

What are the large families of particles?

Which particles does each family consist of?

Which particles have physicists already ensnared and which ones have they got in their sights?

At this Discovery Monday, physicists will be on hand to explain to you the different types of particles of which the infinitesimally small is composed and what distinguishes them from each other.

You are all cordially invited to the particle zoo!

The event will be conducted in French.

Come to the Microcosm (Reception Building 33, Meyrin site)

on Monday, 2 July from 7.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.

Entrance Free