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ATLAS - first end-cap in place

The first end-cap of the ATLAS toroid magnet has been lowered into the ATLAS cavern three weeks after leaving its assembly hall. >>

Stars in his eyes

The Swedish astronaut Christer Fuglesang, a former CERN physicist now working for ESA, made his debut space flight last December. On 14 June he returned to CERN to talk about the experience. >>

The LHC demystified or how to dispel misconceptions about the accelerator

As the start-up of the LHC approaches, some people are worried about the possible dangers posed by such a powerful machine. Here are a few key points to reassure them... >>

The Fire Brigade is training for the LHC

Rescue exercise at Point 8: the CERN Fire Brigade works to save a virtual victim trapped under scaffolding in the LHCb cavern. >>

ATLAS rewards two pixel detector suppliers

Peter Jenni, ATLAS spokesperson, presented the ATLAS supplier award to Herbert Reichl, IZM director, and to Simonetta Di Gioia, from the SELEX company. >>

Discovery Mondays " A family affair: the particle bestiary"

Pions, quarks, leptons, bosons, muons, kaons, electrons, gluons,... the world of the infinitesimally small is simply heaving with different types of particles with strange names. >>

Globe events 2007

Lecture series: The LHC: an accelerator of science >>

CERN – better than science fiction!

From left to right: Allan Cameron (Production Designer), Sam Breckham (Location Manager), James Gillies (Head of Communication at CERN), Jacques Fichet (from the CERN Audiovisual Service), Rolf Landua... >>

Official News

Staff meeting   
Administrative Circular No. 14 (Rev. 2)  
Occupational Accident Declaration Form (HS50)  
French visas  

Training and Development

CERN Technical Training: Open Courses (June - July 2007)  
French courses for Beginners  

General Information

Important changes for and other newsgroups at CERN  
RoHS directive: restriction of the use of lead in electronic equipment   
Maintenance work on CERN mobile phone services  
Disruption of traffic  

Staff Association

Other activities - French version only  
Club news  
First MARS exercise of merit recognition: what's the outcome?