The Swedish astronaut Christer Fuglesang, a former CERN physicist now working for ESA, made his debut space flight last December. On 14 June he returned to CERN to talk about the experience.
As the start-up of the LHC approaches, some people are worried about the possible dangers posed by such a powerful machine. Here are a few key points to reassure them...
Peter Jenni, ATLAS spokesperson, presented the ATLAS supplier award to Herbert Reichl, IZM director, and to Simonetta Di Gioia, from the SELEX company.
Pions, quarks, leptons, bosons, muons, kaons, electrons, gluons,... the world of the infinitesimally small is simply heaving with different types of particles with strange names.
From left to right: Allan Cameron (Production Designer), Sam Breckham (Location Manager), James Gillies (Head of Communication at CERN), Jacques Fichet (from the CERN Audiovisual Service), Rolf Landua...