Standing Concertation Committee - Ordinary Meeting on 4 December 2007

The main items discussed at the meeting of the Standing Concertation Committee on 4 December 2007 included:

2006 Medical Service Annual Report

The Committee took note of the report by the head of the Medical Service, Dr V. Fassnacht, (see and of a number of points raised during the discussion, including the importance of further prevention measures.

The Committee expressed its thanks to all members of the Medical Service for their work in 2006 and over the past year.

Short-Term Saved leave Scheme

As announced in Weekly Bulletins Nos. 28/2007 and 51/2007, the Saved Leave Scheme will be succeeded from 1 January 2008 by the Short-Term Saved Leave Scheme (see also The Committee agreed to recommend the Director-General to adopt the relevant procedure. It was noted that staff could apply immediately to participate from 1 January 2008 and that applications to participate with effect from 1 January 2008 would also be accepted throughout January 2008.

Follow-up/preparation of TREF meetings

The Committee discussed the follow-up of the Tripartite Employment Conditions Forum (TREF) held on 21 & 22 November 2007 and, in particular, the positive reactions by delegates to the creation of a fund for the CERN Health Insurance Scheme.

Long-term care

The Committee also noted that TREF had supported an increase in the daily allowance payable to those in long-term care, bringing it up to the level corresponding to its initial purpose (50% of the daily expenses in a Swiss Etablissement Medico-Social) and that, in future, the allowance would be regularly adjusted by the Management to its benchmark.

by HR Department