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Start-up fever

Unusually for the holiday season, the car parks are full, finding a table at lunch is a formidable challenge, and people can (more than ever) be found in their offices late into the night. All the evidence points to one thing… the most ambitious particle collider in the world is just a few weeks away from its first proton beam! >>

The LHC: a miracle in the making by Frank Close

After a quarter of a century of dreaming and planning, designing and building, at last we are about to see the LHC completed. >>

Fabiola Gianotti, the newly elected Spokesperson of ATLAS

On 11 July Fabiola Gianotti was elected by the ATLAS Collaboration as its future Spokesperson. >>

For one weekend, CERN takes a stand at Geneva’s Nuit de la science

CERN took part in the seventh year of the Nuit de la science on 5-6 July dedicated to the theme of Time. Some 30 000 visitors filed through the 52 stands set up around the Perle du Lac park. >>

François Bayrou visits CERN

On 3 July, François Bayrou, president of the French political party MOuvement DÉMocrate, visited CERN and took part in a round-table discussion. >>

Official News

Standing Concertation Committee - Ordinary meeting on 25 June 2008  
Pension Fund  

Training and Development

French courses for Beginners  

General Information

Prevention – Diagnosis – Eliminating noise   
Give blood at CERN  
Communication from the radioactive waste treatment centre  
Sergey KRAVCHENKO (1984-2008)  
Publication of a single issue of the Bulletin in August