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Members of the personnel shall be deemed to have taken note of the news under this heading. Reproduction of all or part of this information by persons or institutions external to the Organization requires the prior approval of the CERN Management.

The latest Official News articles appear below; for past articles, please see the Official News archive.

Income Tax in France   >>

Standing Concertation Committee

The main items discussed at the meetings of the Standing Concertation Committee in the first quarter of 2009 included: Merit Appraisal and Recognition Scheme (MARS) 2009 exercise The committee took note of 2009 MARS ceiling guidelines giving the advancement budget by career path and amounting to approx 1. >>

Tax declaration: for the attention of members of the personnel and pensioners living in France

Exchange rate for 2008 For 2008, the average annual exchange rate is EUR 0.64 for CHF 1. Human Resources Department ... >>

News Articles

Diversifying to stay healthy  
Broadening our horizons  
The Latest from the LHC  
Angels or demons? You decide!  
‘Accelerating Science’ - full throttle physics  
ALICE gets its first ‘upgrade’  
Guido Tonelli elected next CMS spokesperson  
CERN honours Carlo Rubbia  
CERN Relay Race 2009  

Training and Development

CERN Academic Training Programme 2008/2009   
CERN Management & Communication Training programme  
CERN Technical Training: available Places in forthcoming Courses   
Language Training: French courses  
CERN Technical Training: available Places in forthcoming Courses   
CERN Technical Training: LABVIEW courses include RADE  
CERN Technical Training: new courses on computer security  

General Information

Visit of Belgian Firms at CERN  
Preparation for Retirement Seminar  
Maintenance of the CERN telephone exchanges  
Geneva University