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On CLOUD nine

The team from the CLOUD experiment - the world’s first experiment using a high-energy particle accelerator to study the climate - were on cloud nine after the arrival of their new three-metre diameter cloud chamber. This marks the end of three years’ R&D; and design, and the start of preparations for data taking later this year. >>

Message from Fermilab Director

With this issue’s message, Fermilab Director Pier Oddone opens a new series of occasional exchanges between CERN and other laboratories world-wide. >>

Particle physics 2009: licence to smile

Julie Peasley is the keeper of a very unusual zoo, a colourful set of hand-made plushies that represent the particles of the Standard Model and beyond. Her passion for physics and her art degree combine to give particles their personalities. She visited CERN on 25 May and met the CERNois in the library. >>

Sprucing up the site - update

As mentioned in a previous article the Bulletin will be publishing regular short updates following the consolidation work going on around the CERN sites: All internal lighting is being replaced in the office buildings on the Prevessin site. >>

The latest from the LHC

In Sector 3-4 the full length of the beam lines have been closed and work is currently ongoing to finish the final electrical interconnections. >>

The latest on the recent HR staff survey

The data collected in the framework of the staff survey sent out by the Human Resources (HR) Department in March this year are currently being analysed. The first results concern the response rate and the breakdown of participants. >>

The voice of Austrians at CERN

On 7 May the Austrian Minister for Science announced that, after over 50 years of membership, Austria would withdraw from CERN. By 18 May the Austrian Chancellor had reversed the decision. The Bulletin spoke to some of the Austrian community at CERN about the rollercoaster of events in between. >>

Jonathan Sladen (1957-2009)

We deeply regret to announce the death of Mr Jonathan Sladen on 19 May 2009. Mr Sladen, who was born on 9 February 1957, was a member of the BE Department and had worked at CERN since 1985. >>

James V. Allaby (1936-2009)

Jim Allaby standing in front of the target calorimeter of the CHARM neutrino experiment (WA18) .It was with shock and sorrow that we heard Jim Allaby passed away on 7 April. >>

Training and Development

CERN Academic Training Programme 2008/2009   
French courses for Beginners  

General Information

Mail Office   
CERN safety week  
INVITATION to CERN pensioners and personnel