

Particles are back in the LHC!

Last weekend (23-25 October) particles once again entered the LHC after the one-year interruption following the incident of September 2008. Particles travelled through one sector clockwise and one anticlockwise. ALICE and LHCb, the two experiments sitting along the portion of the beam lines in question, were able to observe the first effects of real beams in the machine. >>

Gathering positive experience

Last Monday, the new CERN Machine Advisory Committee (CMAC) met for the first time, and we had good news to tell its members. >>

CERN as seen by its personnel

How are the various players in research experiencing the run-up to the restart of the LHC? How do they feel their work is perceived outside CERN? After interviewing the inhabitants of Meyrin, Divonne-les-Bains and Geneva on the subject of the LHC and CERN, the Bulletin went to put its questions to the CERN personnel themselves. >>

CERN and UNESCO reach out to Rwanda

CERN already has a successful relationship with some African countries. However, much remains to be done to improve the dialogue with that continent. A recent trip to Rwanda provided a new opportunity to share knowledge and technology and create a connection that may last for many years. >>

CERN in discussions with its neighbours

CERN recently invited local partners, elected representatives, and representatives of local administrations and associations to an information and discussion evening, giving those invited an opportunity to raise various topics linked to CERN’s presence in the local area. >>

Astroparticles win over the public

The first ever European Week of Astroparticle Physics, held from 10 to 17 October, provided an opportunity for the general public to learn about this still relatively little-known branch of science. >>

Put waste in its place

It doesn’t take much of an effort to sort waste, but what a difference it can make - to the environment, of course, but also to CERN’s incineration bill. >>

Change at the top for the CERN physics schools

After directing the CERN physics schools since 1993, Egil Lillestøl has handed over to Nick Ellis. At the same time, Hélène Haller has taken over from Danielle Métral as the schools’ administrator. >>


Twenty-seven engineers involved in the FAIR project in Germany recently spent three days at CERN. The purpose of their visit: tour ALICE and meet with CERN engineers. This marks the start of a close cooperation. >>

Literature in Focus Beta Beams: Neutrino Beams

By Mats Lindroos (CERN) and Mauro Mezzetto (INFN Padova, Italy) Imperial Press, 2009 The beta-beam concept for the generation of electron neutrino beams was first proposed by Piero Zucchelli in 2002. >>

Eugène Vossenberg - 1943-2009

Gene Vossenberg, a valued colleague, passed away on Saturday, 10 October. Gene was recruited by CERN in 1972 as an in-house inspector of dipoles for the SPS. >>

Training and Development

Language Training  
CERN technical training: available places in forthcoming courses  
CERN Management & Communication Training programme  

General Information

CERN’s Drinking Water  
Extension of the car park of Building 40  
Ergonomics Course  
Lost parcel  
Vaccination against seasonal influenza  
Preparation for Retirement Seminar  
Blood donation