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News Articles

New code of conduct  
Better in the long run  
Towards the longest run in CERN’s history  
A single chip with multiple talents  
Equal opportunities in diversity  
50 years ago...  
Fruitful meeting  
Big advance towards the LHC upgrade  
Scientists as seen by children—on canvas  
Video interview with Michael Dell  
ACFA and IPAC announce accelerator prizes  
The CinéGlobe film festival opens at CERN and the Forum Meyrin theatre  

Official News

Renovation work at Building 280  
Standing Concertation Committee  
Pension payment dates in 2010  

Training and Development

Academic Training Lecture - 2009-2010  
CERN Technical training: available places in forthcoming courses  
Language Courses  
CERN Technical training: available places in forthcoming courses  

Staff Association

Resignation at the PFGB  
Open letter to President of CERN Council  
Chronology of a decision forever being postponed  
Latest news  
Nursery school  
Special offer for "Harmony" fitness centres  
Music club  
Concert Club  
Automobile Club CERN  
Yachting Club CERN  