

News Articles

Yes, we did it!  
The particle suppliers  
The LHC in numbers  
LHC Physics  
The LHC Physics Centre at CERN  
Cost comparisons  
LHC Highlights, from dream to reality  
New arrivals  

Official News

Tax declaration: for the attention of members of the personnel and pensioners living in France  

Training and Development

General and Professional French Courses  
Academic Training Lectures - QCD for Postgraduates  

General Information

Work on the extension of Restaurant No. 1  
Recuperation and Sales Service (FI/DI)  
Geneva University  
Conference on the treatment of tinnitus and hyperacusis  
To all members of the personnel  

Staff Association

EUTELSAT is not answering anymore, the ILOAT has cut them off  
Ordinary General Assembly  
Club d'orientation  
Solar Club  
Yachting Club  