Yachting Club
At least, it will do only if we have a good turn-out, please, for the annual Launch of the fleet, Saturday 17 April, from 9:00 at Port Choiseul, for most people (really early birds are invited to BA5 storage from 8:30, loading and preparing the trailers): see Gijs' note about helping, particularly those with cars fitted to tow a trailer. We normally finish by midday. The English language loves mixed metaphors so let us assure you it is not "Too many cooks spoil the broth"; rather it is the classic "Many hands make light work"! Do come and help because, speaking of broth, all sorts of nourishing (but enjoyable) goodies from coffee and croissants onwards will reward your toils. To say nothing of all the latest gossip, exchanges of vows to do more sailing this season than ever before, choosing your wardrobe from the YCC Shop, announce intentions to win regattas ...
The seasonal Lottery for sailing course places has been and gone, to general congratulations (Luca, Michał and others) on a modified formula that makes all winners and the waiting list completely available. Congratulations too, to those who secured a place: you now have a responsibility to attend all courses, regardless of weather, plenty of Thursday practice sessions - and pass your test asap! Do not despair if you did not get a place: regularly every year, people succeed in reaching test-level by also coming to the Thursdays - and chatting up the right people for training outings as one-offs.
Miss Match is no more - at least she is, but now resides in Yverdon, sold to a woman there just a fortnight ago, thanks to the zeal and follow-through of Michał. Yes, your Committee was well aware that lots of sailors h
oped we would find a way to keep her and the other two Surprises; it was not to be, not merely because of the perennial (i.e. insoluble, at the moment) problem of mooring places at Port Choiseul but some doubts about the (wo)manpower to look after the existing fleet, let alone adding to it. And therefore Miss Match went, nicely replenishing the Treasurer's coffers, and giving the Committee an itchy desire to spend it - see picture ...
To those readers who are not yet members of YCC, yes, of course you can join and enjoy sailing with us. Although it is now too late to enrol for a course (they are always over-subscribed) you can certainly join in all the fun listed above, sail with nice people (by definition), even if you are a beginner - give us a chance to prove it to you!
The seasonal Lottery for sailing course places has been and gone, to general congratulations (Luca, Michał and others) on a modified formula that makes all winners and the waiting list completely available. Congratulations too, to those who secured a place: you now have a responsibility to attend all courses, regardless of weather, plenty of Thursday practice sessions - and pass your test asap! Do not despair if you did not get a place: regularly every year, people succeed in reaching test-level by also coming to the Thursdays - and chatting up the right people for training outings as one-offs.
Miss Match is no more - at least she is, but now resides in Yverdon, sold to a woman there just a fortnight ago, thanks to the zeal and follow-through of Michał. Yes, your Committee was well aware that lots of sailors h

New purchases planned!
To those readers who are not yet members of YCC, yes, of course you can join and enjoy sailing with us. Although it is now too late to enrol for a course (they are always over-subscribed) you can certainly join in all the fun listed above, sail with nice people (by definition), even if you are a beginner - give us a chance to prove it to you!
par Yachting Club