In edition no. 104 of Echo we told you about the Finance Committee meeting which took place on Wednesday 16 June and the tense atmosphere that reigned during this meeting.
Dear Minister, In June 2010, CERN Council postponed the approval of the medium term plan proposed by the Management and asked for a downwards revision of these budget estimates.
BESOIN D'IDEES CADEAUX ? OFFREZ L'EVASION DANS UN BOX ! Des weekends à deux ou en famille et pour tous les goûts: escapades gourmandes, aventures/randonnées, sensations, séjours...
INTERNAL RAGATTE - BEST EVER ! If you missed Internal Regatta III on Sunday 11 July, you missed one of the best we can recall! The winds were about perfect, fairly stable Bf 2 with periodic gusts higher and the resulting capsizes to keep crews concentrating.
CERN CC VERSUS TRAFFORD SOLICITORS CC IN BELLINGHAN ON JUNE 26th/27th 2010 The CERN cricket club traveled to the North of England for their first tour of the season, playing two games over the course of the weekend of 26-27th June against Trafford Solicitors CC (TSCC).
FESTIVAL HARDRONIC The CERN MusiClub is proud to announce that the 21st edition of the famous CERN Hardronic Festival will take place on Friday 16th July from 17h30 and Saturday 17th July from 16h00 on the terrace beside restaurant N°3 on the CERN Prevessin site.
Le GAC organise chaque mois des permanences avec entretiens individuels. La prochaine permanence se tiendra le : Mardi 7 septembre de 13h30 à 16h00 Salle de réunion de l’Association du personnel Les permanences suivantes auront lieu les mardis 5 octobre, 2 novembre et 7 décembre.