The Pays de Gex celebrates science

From 18 to 23 October, the Fête de la Science will be celebrated at various venues in the Pays de Gex and at CERN.


Physiscope will perform awe-inspiring demonstrations in the Globe.
The Physiscope team will give demonstrations for schools and the general public in the Globe, performing awe-inspiring experiments to answer questions like "Can you drive a nail in with a banana?" or "Is it possible to survive a 100,000 volt shock?"

The Esplanade du Lac in Divonne-les-Bains will host a Café des Sciences and performances by the children of the Lycée International in Ferney-Voltaire.

The Physiscope is an educational venture of the Physics section of the University of Geneva and the research programme MaNEP.

The programme of the Fête de la Science can be consulted here.




by CERN Bulletin