


Dear Colleagues, As the deadlines approach, the meetings of the Standing Concertation Committee between the Management and the staff representatives follow one after the other at a sustained rhythm. >>

Staff Association declaration at TREF meeting on 5th October 2010

After discussion of the Management’s proposals in the framework of the internal concertation procedure (SCC), the Staff Association supports the CHIS component but is in disagreement with certain points relating to the Salary component. >>


  Le Club d’Orientation du CERN vous propose de venir participer à la cinquième étape de la coupe d’automne Genevoise. >>


  Jeudi 16 Septembre s’est déroulé le challenge RITA.20 joueurs se sont mesurés au cours de 3 parties, sous la commande de  notre juge arbitre Albert. >>


Thursday 28 October 2010 at 20:30 / Jeudi 28 Octobre 2010 à 20:30 CERN Main Auditorium / Amphithéâtre Principal Death at a Funeral   By/de : Frank Oz (USA/Germany/UK/Netherlands,... >>


  Comment se déplacer avec les services d’Interfon !!! Les sociétaires qui souhaitent louer un véhicule chez notre partenaire OPEL RENT et profiter d’un tarif... >>


Le GAC organise chaque mois des permanences avec entretiens individuels. La prochaine permanence se tiendra le : Mardi 2 novembre de 13h30 à 16h00 Salle de réunion de l’Association du personnel La permanence suivante aura lieu le mardi 7 décembre. >>


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News Articles

ISOLDE takes big science to nanoscale  
A little bit of legal history  
The Latest from the LHC: hitting the target luminosity for 2010!  
Towards a new approach to the labour law applicable to contractors’ personnel  
Come and share the passion  
Orienteering World Cup hosted by CERN Club  
Ready, steady, SORT!  
Making Restaurant No. 1 greener  
A CERN flag is set to wave up in the Himalayas   
Brand-new signage for the CERN shuttles  
The Pays de Gex celebrates science  
Awards and Honours  
Homage to Endel Lippmaa, distinguished scientist and politician  
Ombuds' Corner: Supervisor and supervisee  
Literature in Focus - “At the Leading Edge: the ATLAS and CMS LHC experiments”  
News from the library : Working with words? The Chicago Manual of Style is there to help  

Official News

REMINDER - Extension/suppression of allowance for dependent children aged 20 to 25  

Training and Development

CERN Technical training: Available places in forthcoming courses  

General Information

Registration Service  
Parking regulations on the CERN sites  
Quantum revolution  
Film Presentation: Projekt Zukunft/Tomorrow Today  
Road works  
Blood Donation Campaign  
Geneva University - Particle Physics Seminars  
Holland at CERN – Industrial exhibition  
Vaccination against seasonal influenza