

News Articles

Printable colour version now available for download  
Printable colour version now available for download  
“See you soon” – a retrospective on the first LHC proton run  
A milestone in safety  
The Latest from the LHC: Successful switch to ions  
ATLAS: Exceeding all expectations  
CMS: Beyond all possible expectations  
ALICE: The best is yet to come  
LHCb: Not just a precision experiment but also a detector ready for discoveries  
TOTEM: Thousands of interesting events  
Radiation protection and radiation safety: CERN and its host states to sign a tripartite agreement.  
Full power to the first Linac4 module  
CERN in detail  
A dedicated fund supports technological innovation  
E-Infrastructure Concertation Meeting  
Is the bell ringing?  
PARTICLE-larly Enriching Night at CERN!  
Behind the machines  
Ombuds' Corner: Between colleagues  
Frank Blythe (1924-2010)  
Denis Gudet (1955-2010)  

Official News

Procedure for obtaining visas for Switzerland and France - Signature rights  

Training and Development

CERN Technical training: Available places in forthcoming courses  
Safety Training: Ergonomics - Applying ergonomic principles in the workplace  

Staff Association

Vide Grenier  
EXPOSITION - Monday 8th November to friday 19th November  
EXPOSITION - Monday 22th November to friday 3rd December  
Cine club  
Women's club - Christmas Sale - Solidarité Femmes  
English Book Club  