New set of Chemical Safety rules
A new set of four Safety Rules was issued on 28 March 2011:
- Safety Regulation SR-C ver. 2, Chemical Agents (en);
- General Safety Instruction GSI-C1, Prevention and Protection Measures (en);
- General Safety Instruction GSI-C2, Explosive Atmospheres (en);
- General Safety Instruction GSI-C3, Monitoring of Exposure to Hazardous Chemical Agents in Workplace Atmospheres (en).
These documents form part of the CERN Safety Rules and are issued in application of the “Staff Rules and Regulations” and of document SAPOCO 42.
These documents set out the minimum requirements for the protection of persons from risks to their occupational safety and health arising, or likely to arise, from the effects of hazardous chemical agents that are present in the workplace or used in any CERN activity.
Simultaneously, the HSE Unit has published seven Safety Guidelines and six Safety Forms. These documents are available from the dedicated Web page “Chemical, Cryogenic and Biological Safety” or via the Safety Rules website.
by HSE Unit