Introduction of a medical questionnaire concerning long-term sick leave
In order to ensure a closer follow-up of those on long-term sick leave, the Organization will introduce a new medical questionnaire to be sent to employed members of the personnel.
This questionnaire consisting of four questions (concerning the diagnosis, pending and future examinations and treatments, the prognostic and the possibility to resume work) will be sent from the Consulting Medical Practitioner to all employed members of the personnel following two consecutive months of sick leave and, thereafter, periodically on a case by case basis.
The employed member of the personnel is requested to submit the medical questionnaire to his/her medical practitioner (or the specialist taking care of him/her) in order to complete and return it to the Consulting Medical Practitioner.
It should be noted that this questionnaire does not exempt, in any way, the employed member of personnel from providing a medical certificate for all absence due to illness of more than three consecutive calendar days.
The procedure to follow in case of illness is outlined in the Admin e-guide, available via the HR Department website.
by HR Department