
Thursday 1 September at 20:30 / Jeudi 1 Septembre à 20h30
CERN Council Chamber / Salle du Conseil

The Constant Gardener

By/de : Fernando Meirelles
(UK, 2005) 129 min

With/avec: Ralph Fiennes, Rachel Weisz, Danny Huston
Based on the novel by John le Carré

Justin Quayle, an English gentle diplomat, is sent to the Kenyan Embassy to work. He takes his wife Tessa, an impulsive woman that he met in a conference. Tessa is a tenacious activist that fights for the rights of the poor people and she helps Doctor Arnold Bluhm. Tessa finds out accidentally that a powerful pharmacist firm (3 Bees) is trialling a new drug amongst the Africans. Tessa is more involved in the matter and she decides to ask Sandy, Justin’s friend, for help because she does not want to involve to her husband. Tessa is murdered in a trip to the north of Kenya and the authorities try to accuse Arnold of the crime. Justin, with a passion for gardening, decides to uncover the truth behind the death of his wife - with no regards for the consequences.

Original version English; English subtitles
Version originale anglaise sous-titrée en anglais

Entrance: 2 CHF
Projection from DVD

par Cine-Club