

The PS Booster hits 40

Many accelerators’ "round" birthdays are being celebrated at CERN these days – the PS turned 50 in 2009, the SPS was 35 in 2011, and this year it's the turn of the PS Booster to mark its 40th anniversary. Originally designed to accelerate 1013 protons to 800 MeV, it has far exceeded its initial design performance over the years. >>

Safety first

Safety is a priority for CERN. That is a message I conveyed in my New Year’s address and that I reiterated at one of the first Enlarged Directorate meetings of 2012 when I outlined five key safety objectives for the year, designed and implemented according to accepted international standards. >>

LHC Report: Ramp-up complete

The intensity ramp-up outlined in the last Bulletin continued more or less as planned, with some steady running with 1092 bunches followed by the final step-up to 1380 – the maximum number of bunches for the year. >>

In good hands

2007 and 2008 were critical years for the CERN Pension Fund. The dramatic market downturn increased the deficit to scary levels. A newly appointed management and a redefined governance launched an updated investment strategy and totally new performance standards. In December 2011, the Fund was shortlisted as a finalist for a prestigious award. We invite you to (re)discover the CERN Pension Fund. >>

Speaking about the Internet…

Although a lot of people know that the Web was invented at CERN, not many people know that CERN has also played a central role in developing the Internet in Europe. In the early 1990s the European Internet network looked like a star, with CERN at its center. The Organization was also one of the founding members of the Internet Society, which celebrated its first 20 years in a conference held in Geneva from 22 to 24 April. CERN was a special guest. >>

Horizon 2020 in sight

Every tenth member of the CERN personnel participates in an EU-funded project – a strong indication of CERN’s successful relations with the European Commission (EC), coordinated by the CERN EU projects office. The EC director in charge of preparing “Horizon 2020”, the new EU funding programme for research and innovation (2014-2020), will be giving a presentation at CERN on 8 May. He will reveal more about what the new programme has in store. >>

Much ado about Nothing - exploring the vacuum with the LHC

Empty space is anything but. Remove everything you can from an area of space and it will still bustle with activity. A veritable abundance of particles and all-pervasive fields fill space with energy. Empty space even weighs something. Indeed, studying ‘nothing’ can tell us almost everything about the universe we live in. >>

CERN gets closer to the “quartier international”

Born under the auspices of UNESCO, raised in one of the world's most international cities, European by nature and global in attitude, CERN is well placed to catalyse the energies arising from the different international organisations in Geneva and beyond. A positive boost was given to the relations between them just a couple of years ago and it is now yielding fruits. >>

India joins the ISOLDE collaboration

On 18 April India signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the ISOLDE collaboration, thus strengthening its links with CERN. Three experiments led by Indian scientists at ISOLDE have been recommended by the Research Board and will be performed in the coming months, and more projects are being designed for the future HIE-ISOLDE scientific programme. >>

The Fire Brigade acquires a new ambulance with all the bells and whistles!

On 19 April the Fire Brigade unveiled its latest acquisition: a brand-new ambulance specially designed for CERN. >>

Safe cycling!

The HSE Unit will be running a cycling safety campaign at the entrances to CERN's restaurants on 14, 15 and 16 May. Pop along to see if they can persuade you to get back in the saddle! >>

Don’t let your mail leak

At CERN, data privacy is of paramount importance, and we are currently developing a comprehensive data protection policy. For example, your CERN mailbox and your “private” folders on AFS and DFS are considered yours... >>

Gotcha! Macs lose their innocence

Still believe your Mac is secure because Microsoft PCs fall prey to viruses and worms but Macs don’t? Time to wake up! This year has seen the first major compromise of Macs worldwide*. How is yours doing? >>

Ombud's corner: Empathy

In this series, the Bulletin aims to explain the role of the Ombuds at CERN by presenting practical examples of misunderstandings that could have been resolved by the Ombuds if he had been contacted earlier. Please note that, in all the situations we present, the names are fictitious and used only to improve clarity. >>

News from the Library: About a dozen prestigious CERN physicists contribute to a special issue of EPJ H

European Physical Journal H is a journal published by Springer that focuses on the historical development of ideas in contemporary physics. Since 2009 it has partially replaced the journal "Annales de Physique" published by EDP sciences. >>

The year 2012 is already rich in highlights for the Pension Fund Governing Board (PFGB)

In this new column, the Chairman of the Pension Fund Governing Board (PFGB) will regularly present the latest main decisions, initiatives and accomplishments of the Governing Board to the members and beneficiaries of the Fund. >>

Piotr Doniec (1987-2012)

It is with great sadness that we learned about the tragic loss of our valued technical student and friend Piotr Doniec. He was taken from us on 29 April, at the age of 25, while following his passion for mountaineering during a descent in the French Alps, near Thônes. >>

Official News

TAXATION IN FRANCE - Memorandum concerning the annual internal taxation certificate and the declaration of income for 2011  
Tax declaration: for the attention of members of the personnel and pensioners living in France  

Training and Development

Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme: Predictive Monte Carlo tools for LHC physics (1/3)   
Technical training: CERN Document Server (CDS), Inspire and Library Services  
French courses  


Secure Web Developers Needed!  
Visit safety  
One week left to register to the CERN School of Computing 2012 - Deadline 1 May!  


Stand Conseil de la Poste suisse  
The 32nd walk by the Geneva league against cancer  
Geneva University: seminar of particle physics  
CERN Colloquium: The Effects of Limited Resources and Opportunities on Women’s Careers in Physics  
Electromagnetic Simulation Seminar and Opera/Tosca update Seminar  

Staff Association

Information meetings  
Course d'Orientation  
Club Pétanque  
Fitness Club  
Cine Club  
Yachting Club  
ConCERNed for Humanity Club and Cine Club  
Dancing Club  
Music Club  