Music season coming soon

On 16 June, CERN’s music season will open with Music on the Lawn. The event is the CERN Music Club’s contribution to the Fete de la Musique and will take place on the terrace of Restaurant 1 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Hardronic Festival, CERN’s long-running rock festival, will be held on the evenings of 20 and 21 July in Prévessin, on the terrace behind Restaurant 3. If you would like to help with the organisation, please contact the Music Club by e-mail:


The Canettes Blues Band during the 2011 Hardronic Festival. (© Christoph Balle, 2010).

Summer is coming, and along with it comes the music season. CERN will be hosting its two annual rock music concerts: Music on the Lawn and the Hardronic Festival. The two events are organised by the CERN Music Club, which has been sharing the enjoyment of good music with its numerous fans for many years. “Music on the Lawn was originally created so that the members of the Music Club could meet and hear each other's songs,” recalls Simon Baird, the club's president. “The club has around 20 bands, and they never get to meet each other because the rehearsal room can only be used by one at a time. So this event is regarded mostly as “a day for the club”, but still, it’s open to everyone. It has some great music and, of course, it’s free.”

The Hardronic Festival is usually a bigger event, which welcomes a large public ever year, including a large contingent from the ranks of the Summer Students. “The festival’s attractions include children's entertainment, food, drinks and two nights of music from many different bands, all from the CERN Music Club,” says Simon. “This year we might even succeed in bringing back together “Les Horribles Cernettes”, CERN’s legendary band that formed back in 1990.”

Everybody is welcome at the popular summer festivals, in which other clubs also usually take part to present their activities. And, of course, they are welcome to help! Even if you are not a member of a CERN club, the organisers will welcome your participation and help with the organisation. So go ahead and volunteer!

by CERN Bulletin in collaboration with Julio Rosenfeld