News from the Library: Looking for materials properties? Find the answer in CINDAS databases
Materials properties databases are a crucial source of information when doing research in Materials Science. The creation and regular updating of such databases requires identification and collection of relevant worldwide scientific and technical literature, followed by the compilation, critical evaluation, correlation and synthesis of both existing and new experimental data.
The Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis (CINDAS) at Purdue University produces several databases on the properties and behaviour of materials. The databases include:
- ASMD (Aerospace Structural Metals Database) which gives access to approximately 80,000 data curves on over 220 alloys used in the aerospace and other industries
- the Microelectronics Packaging Materials Database (MPMD), providing data and information on the thermal, mechanical, electrical and physical properties of electronics packaging materials, and
- the Thermophysical Properties of Matter Database (TPMD), covering the properties of over 5,000 materials with approximately 50,000 data curves.
Trial access to these resources is available until 31 August 2012, so you are very welcome to try these databases and send us your feedback at
Online access to the databases here.
by CERN Library