
In August, the members of an ISOLDE project called LOI88 successfully employed a new technique to study the interaction of metal ions in a liquid. It’s the first time that specific ions have been studied in a liquid medium - a technical achievement that opens promising doors for biochemistry.
The motto of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games is ‘Inspire a generation’ so it was particularly pleasing to see science, the LHC and Higgs bosons featuring so strongly in the opening ceremony of the Paralympics last week.
The LHC has been in luminosity production mode for the last couple of weeks. Peak luminosities have ranged between 6 and a record 7.74 x 1033 cm -2 s-1. Integrated luminosities per fill have been healthy, with 170 inverse picobarn per fill reached on five occasions in the last two weeks. The total integrated luminosity for the year has passed 14 inverse femtobarns.

Equipment that is often unique, machines that are as old as the Laboratory, continuous and demanding performance requirements: these are the challenges faced by CERN’s accelerator maintenance teams. There are some twenty such teams, attached to different departments. A new project aims to standardise their procedures to make their work easier, and you can be a part of it.
Two weeks ago, the Collinear Resonant Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) experiment at ISOLDE performed some of the world’s most sensitive measurements of the nuclear structure of francium, one of the rarest and least-understood elements. Gathered in record time and with excellent background resolution, the results are in good agreement with model predictions. The developer of their model? 2012 Summer Student, Ruben de Groote.
The Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics ( INFN) has successfully tested the first model of a new fast-ramping curved dipole magnet. This is great news for CERN, which sees the advance as holding potential for the future of the SPS.
On 15 September from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. the Palais des Nations will open its doors for a programme that promises fun, education and interest for adults and children alike. CERN will take part in this multicultural celebration.
CERN will be welcoming young people into the control rooms of the LHC and its experiments during the European Researchers' Night, which runs from 6 p.m. to midnight on 28 September.
Cutting-edge research requires a constantly high performance of the computing equipment. At the CERN Computing Centre, computers typically need to be replaced after about four years of use. However, while servers may be withdrawn from cutting-edge use, they are still good for other uses elsewhere. This week, 220 servers and 30 routers were donated to the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana.
On Tuesday 4 September 2012, in the second part of the Induction Programme, members of the CERN Management welcomed recently-recruited staff members and fellows (photographed here with Anne-Sylvie Catherin, Head of the HR Department and Vincent Vuillemin, the CERN Ombuds).
Still love bashing on Windows as you believe it is an insecure operating system? Hold on a second! Just recently, a vulnerability has been published for Java 7.
In accordance with the Code of Ethics of the International Ombudsman Association, one of the main values of the Ombuds is his impartiality. In interceding in a misunderstanding or a conflict the Ombuds keeps in mind the interests of both parties as well as the interests of the Organization. The Ombuds does not take sides and does not favour one person over another. In resolving a conflict, he is required to contact all parties involved and to treat them equally.
The CERN Bookshop and CERN Library invite you to attend the 2012 CERN Book Fair, a two-day scientific event offering you the opportunity to meet key publishers and to browse and purchase books at significant discounts.