CERN Accelerating science




“Hangout” with CERN this Thursday   >>

Séminaire de physique corpusculaire - 31 October

Gamma-ray astronomy in the 100 TeV band by Prof. Andrii Neronov, ISDC-Université de Genève >>

Conference: ActiWiz – Optimizing material selection at CERN's accelerators from the radiological point of view

by Dr. Helmut Vincke (CERN), Chris Theis (CERN). Tuesday, October 30, 2012 from 15:00 to 16:30 at CERN ( 864-1-D02 - BE Auditorium Prévessin ) >>

Séminaire de physique corpusculaire - 7 November

Jet substructure as a tool to reconstruct the decay of heavy boosted objects by Dr Mario CAMPANELLI, University College London >>

"The End of Time" released - a film partly shot at CERN

Qu’est-ce que le temps ? Une réalité ? Une illusion ? Un concept ? Ces questions sont au coeur du nouveau film de Peter Mettler. Avec The End of Time, guidé par son intuition et sa capacité d’émerveillement, Peter Mettler projette à nouveau le familier dans une dimension extraordinaire et nous donne à voir l’invisible. >>

Wright colloquium 2012 | 12 to 16 November, UniDufour

We know that the matter that makes up the world we live in is made of atoms, but this simple statement is of limited use – it is like describing architecture by saying that buildings are made of stones. >>

Latsis conference

Cérémonie honorant les Prix Latsis universitaires 2012 Mardi 6 novembre 2012 à 18h Université de Genève >>

News Articles

CLIC's three-step plan  
Towards a wider dialogue  
LHC Report: Ticking over  
On the horizon for ALICE  
Like hams in a smokehouse  
Lasers take physicists back to school  
Science by the young for the young  
Your privacy is paramount!  
Ombuds’ corner: Empowerment  
News from the Library: Publishing Open Access articles beyond High Energy Physics  
Report from the Pension Fund  

Official News

REMINDER: Extension/suppression of allowance for dependent children aged 20 to 25  
REMINDER: Compliance with Operational Circular No. 2 (Rev. 1) on “Conditions of access to the fenced CERN site”  

Training and Development

Technical training - places available  
Communication course – places available  
Safety Training - places available in October  


Blood donation - 7 November  
Vaccination against seasonal influenza: a reminder  
Transporting "exceptional cargo" on the CERN sites  
Mail Office  

Staff Association

Le CERN, un laboratoire d’excellence sociale  
Information meetings  
Rugby Club  
Orienteering Club  
Cine Club  
Dancing Club  
Special offers  