CERN Accelerating science




SAFETY ALERT: Electrical insulation defect on safety helmets

Contrarily to the information provided until 31 May 2013, some “Euro Protection” safety helmets do not respect any of the requirements for electrical insulation. >>

Cycling safety: a priority for CERN

Two major campaigns will get under way in June: road safety for cyclists and the promotion of cycling as a means of transport, which is one of CERN’s objectives in 2013. >>

It’s all about safety signs!

Their first occurrence may date back to the Egyptian hieroglyphs, but today they can be found everywhere: on our clothes labels as care labels, in train stations and airports to guide us, during the Olympics to identify various sports, on our dashboards, etc. >>

Between 3 June and 3 August, limit your electricity consumption

CERN is normally supplied by the French 400 kV RTE/EDF network and has a reduced-power backup supply from the Swiss 130 kV ALPIQ/SIG network. >>

News Articles

One or many?  
A shower of good news  
LS1 Report: operations on the right track  
Interview with Cédric Villani  
Now playing in a browser near you: TEDxCERN  
ACCU: a committee that addresses Users' needs  
n_TOF: a new experimental area under way  
FameLab Switzerland: a CERN PhD student triumphs  
Don’t miss the Passport to the Big Bang event this Sunday!  
CERN Relay Race: sporty and colourful  
Highlights from e-EPS: Physics league… for kick-ass students  
The Lure of Wireless Encryption  
Ombuds’ corner: Virtue ethics and its applications  
News from the Library: Language learners, don't forget the Library!  

Official News

Next Indefinite Contract review exercise  

Training and Development

New course: “Lync – click to call and collaborate with others”  
Safety Training: places available in June 2013  
Summer French courses for BEGINNERS (15 July to 3 September 2013)  
Summer Oral Expression English course  
Technical training: places available  


Conférence d'Hubert Reeves | 18 juin | Uni Dufour  
Diversity in Action | Interactive Workshop | 4 July  
Student Concert | Learning Classical Music Club | 15 June  
Children's Concert | Learning Classical Music Club | 15 June  

Staff Association

Public Staff Meetings – thank you for a large attendance  
Orienteering Club  
CERN Women's Club  
Cricket Club  