1954: CERN was born. The Laboratory was the first scientific pan-European endeavour. Just a few years after the Second World War, twelve European countries joined forces and built what has become the world’s largest particle physics laboratory. In 2014, CERN will celebrate 60 years of cutting-edge science for peace.
In the late 1970s, while the CERN community was busy preparing the SPS to operate as a collider and planning for LEP, people also had their eyes on the next chapter in the unfolding story of CERN.

The dismantling and extraction of a defective DFBA module from LHC Point 6, announced a few weeks ago, has been completed without a hitch. The DFBAs in the LHC are unique and irreplaceable components that must be handled with care.
On 14 November, the first H- (one proton surrounded by two electrons) beam was accelerated to the energy of 3 MeV in the Linac4 - the new linear accelerator that will replace Linac2 as low-energy injector in the LHC accelerator chain.
A new thermosiphon cooling system, designed for the ATLAS silicon detectors by CERN’s EN-CV team in collaboration with the experiment, will replace the current system in the next LHC run in 2015. Using the basic properties of density difference and making gravity do the hard work, the thermosiphon promises to be a very reliable solution that will ensure the long-term stability of the whole system.
As the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study is launched, one of its component parts, TLEP, enjoys a successful workshop at CERN. The FCC study looks at all options for a future circular collider with the emphasis on a hadron machine with TLEP as a possible intermediate step.
CMS has collected around 64 petabytes of analysable proton-proton data so far. Along with published papers, these data constitute the scientific legacy of the CMS collaboration, and preserving the data for future generations is crucial.
The principal investigator for any institute joining an experimental collaboration is generally a self-assured researcher with evident leadership skills and an in-depth knowledge of their subject gained over many years. Katherine Evans fits the brief in every respect, except that she is 17 years old and her research institute is the Langton Star Centre, based at the Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys. The school has just joined the MoEDAL experiment.
In the fast-evolving world of mobile apps, creativity and usability are key words. For the time being, the number of CERN apps is quite limited but the situation could quickly change. An information-sharing forum set up by the IT Department is a starting point to channel your creativity with the help of experts, best practices and useful guidelines.
In June 2012, the CERN-HERMES Network was set up with the aim of enhancing collaboration between CERN and Greek research institutes and universities. Today, the network offers eight doctoral scholarships for Greek students in various biomedical-related fields. The students will be involved in research projects conducted in collaboration with CERN.
On Saturday 16 November, the University of Geneva's Faculty of Science welcomed 388 girls aged between 11 and 14 to take part in “Élargis tes horizons” (“Expand your horizons”). This initiative aims to encourage more girls to pursue a career in science.
CERN hosted the second TEDx European Organisers meeting last week with around 80 organisers attending from all over Europe. They were given an introduction to CERN and a tour of the LHC experiments.
Remember how easy it is to lose your passwords for web applications (“ Don’t let Chrome expose your passwords”)? This time we go bigger and discuss how easy it is to lose the passwords for every wireless access point you’ve visited. You just need to be running Android on your smartphone…
We can all agree that efficiency leads excellent results; this is a cornerstone in research and organisational matters. However, people may not unanimously point to which method of management and leadership is best for achieving such a goal.
The Library's paper collection of Nature predates the creation of CERN, starting in 1951. Its online collection of the journal dates back to 1869.