Where students turn into teachers: the seventh Inverted CERN School of Computing
For the seventh time since 2005, the CERN School of Computing (see here) has scheduled its inverted school for February. iCSCs are part of the CSC series of events, together with the main summer school to be held this year in Portugal and the thematic school (see here) in Split next June.
The inverted CSC, iCSC2014, will take place at CERN on 24 and 25 February, in Room 31/3-004.
The inverted CSCs stem from the observation that at regular CSCs it is common to find someone in the room who knows more on a particular (usually advanced) topic than the lecturer. So why not try and exploit this and turn the students into teachers?
CSC2013 students made proposals via an electronic discussion forum, from which a programme was designed. This year’s programme focuses on timely, challenging and innovative topics, including: network programming, building distributed systems, a journey from quark to jet in physics, read-out electronics: where data come from, machine learning and data mining.
Attendance is free and open to everyone. Though most of the lectures are part of a series, the programme is designed so that lectures can be followed rather independently. Registration is not mandatory, but will allow you to obtain a copy of the full printed booklet (first registered, first served).
iCSCs are also one key step in a process in place since 2004 for identifying and training young lecturers for the main CSC. In Portugal, the small team of core lecturers will comprise a few former CSC students who went through the whole training process.
Monday 24 February 2014
14:00-14:10 Welcome
14:10-14:20 Introduction to the inverted CSC
14:20-15:20 LAN Programming – the basics
15:50-16:50 Is your web API truly RESTful (and does it matter?)
16:50-17:50 Building highly distributed systems within 5 minutes
Tuesday 25 February 2014
09:00-10:00 From Quark to Jet: A Beautiful Journey
Lecture 1: Beauty physics, tracking and large-scale distributed computing in HEP
10:00-11:00 Read-Out Electronics: where data come from - Lecture 1
11:30-12:30 From Quark to Jet: A Beautiful Journey
Lecture 2: Making a jet, classifying a jet, and personal scale computing in HEP
13:30-14:30 Read-Out Electronics: where data come from - Lecture 2
14:30-15:30 Introduction to machine learning and data mining
16:00-17:00 Self organising maps. A visualization technique with data dimension reduction
If you have any questions, see the FAQ or contact computing.school@cern.ch
by Alberto Pace, CSC Director