

CMS presents new boundary of Higgs width

At last year's Moriond conference, CERN physicists announced the retirement of the "Higgs-like" particle and the arrival of "boson, Higgs boson". Now, one year later, at the same session in the same conference, physicists are back with more exciting news about the famed particle. This time: the best constraint yet of the Higgs Boson “width”, a parameter that determines the particle’s lifetime. >>

A noble cause

Poignant is the word that comes to mind this week, a week in which we lost the last surviving founding father of CERN, François de Rose, and in which the institute he was instrumental in creating 60 years ago made a significant step towards the further construction of science in Europe, as CERN and ESA signed a new agreement. >>

LS1 Report: injectors 2.0

Launched in 2009, the Accelerator Controls Renovation Project (ACCOR) will come to an end this year. It was brought in to replace the approximately 450 real-time control systems of the LHC injector complex, some of which were based on technology more than 20 years old. >>

10 April 2014: Safety Day at CERN

A wide variety of chemicals is used every day in the different laboratories and workshops around CERN. Potentially toxic, corrosive, polluting or hazardous in other ways, these chemicals all have to be handled carefully, as we will be reminded by the Safety Day campaign to be held by the HSE Unit on 10 April to mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work. >>

New arrivals

On Friday 21 March 2014, recently-recruited staff members and fellows participated in a session in the framework of the Induction Programme. >>

Behind the scenes of GS: cross-platform

The year was 1989: the dawn of administrative computing. In a laboratory filled to the rafters with paperwork, CERN's then Director-General Carlo Rubbia saw an opportunity for a complete administrative overhaul. He established the Advanced Information Systems (AIS) project to analyse CERN's administration, which in turn suggested the Electronic Document Handling (EDH) system. By 1992, EDH was up and running - the start of a new chapter in CERN history. >>

Computer Security: Social Media - Dos and Don’ts

Do you blog frequently? Send tweets about what you've done? Keep a lively Facebook profile? Comment regularly on interactive forums? Many of us do.  >>

Ombuds' Corner: Happiness at work - Yes it counts!

Some people call it “motivation”, others “recognition” or “success”. For all, feeling happy at work is an important contributing factor to feeling good about life. How much of it is in our own hands and how much depends on the Organization’s ways of working? >>

François de Rose (1910 - 2014)

One of CERN’s founding fathers has passed away. >>

Roger Calder (1934 – 2014)

Roger joined CERN’s Accelerator-Research Division in May 1963, at the beginning of the Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR) project. The challenge was to evacuate the two beam pipes of about 1 km each to 10-7 Pa and to obtain a beam lifetime of 20 hours. An ultra-high vacuum system of this size and complexity required the most advanced technologies available. >>

Don't miss the Announcements and Events sections of the Bulletin!

There you'll find information on the new EDMS, the 37th CERN School of Computing, the Safety Bulletin 2014-2, the opening times for CERN restaurants over the Easter weekend, the 2014 Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics, the Diversity in Action Workshop, the Raspberry Pi programming day. >>

Official News

Procedure for obtaining visas for Switzerland and France - Signature rights  

Training and Development

Technical training: places available  
Safety Training: places available in April 2014  


Prévessin site – Pedestrian and cycle entrances  
Introducing the new EDMS  
The 37th CERN School of Computing visits Portugal: Apply now!  
Opening times for CERN restaurants over the Easter weekend  
Safety Bulletin 2014-2  
Don't miss the Announcements and Events sections of the Bulletin!  
2014 Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics  


Université de Genève | Physics Colloquium: “Magnetic monopoles at the LHC and in the Cosmos” | 7 April  
Diversity in Action Workshop | 8 April  
Université de Genève | Particle Physics Colloquium | 9 April  
Raspberry Pi programming day | 12 April  
Talk | The impact of fundamental Physics on Medicine by Ugo Amaldi | 10 April  
Université de Genève | Physics Colloquium | 7 April  

Staff Association

Crisis meeting  
Women's Club  
Club d'orientation  
Play Golf with the CERN Golf Club  