CERN’s anti-fraud policy – the outcome of fraud investigations
In the framework of CERN’s anti-fraud policy and in accordance with Operational Circular No. 10, entitled “Principles and procedures governing investigation of fraud”, published in January 2013, a number of fraudulent activities involving several members of the personnel, suppliers and contractors’ staff were investigated by the Internal Audit Service between April and August 2013.
In August 2013, the facts established by the Internal Audit Service were reported to the Director-General, who decided to pursue disciplinary action, for which the Joint Advisory Disciplinary Board (JADB) was consulted.
The JADB heard all impugned members of the personnel, thoroughly examined each individual case, analysed the findings and made recommendations to the Director-General in March 2014. It found, in particular, conflicts of interest and fraudulent activities in violation of CERN's Procurement Rules. Sanctions were recommended by the JADB in all cases, ranging from a reprimand for the milder offences to dismissal in the most serious cases. The Director-General decided to follow these recommendations and issued the corresponding disciplinary actions on 14 April 2014.
An analysis of possible improvements to be made to the internal control system, which enabled these fraudulent manoeuvres to occur without being detected, was also undertaken by the Internal Audit Service, leading to corresponding recommendations that are being implemented by the Organization.
The Organization would like to remind all CERN contributors that its anti-fraud policy specifies zero tolerance to fraud. It would also like to point out that all CERN contributors have a key role to play in the prevention and detection of fraud and, as such, have a duty to report suspicions of fraud in good faith either to their hierarchy, to the Head of the Human Resources Department or to the Internal Audit Service, as they deem appropriate.
CERN’s anti-fraud policy and the corresponding operational circular can be found here.