

Particle kickers

These devices are designed to provide a current pulse of 5000 Amps which will in turn generate a fast magnetic pulse that steers the incoming beam into the LHC. Today, the comprehensive upgrade of the LHC injection kicker system is entering its final stages. The upgraded system will ensure the LHC can be refilled without needing to wait for the kicker magnets to cool, thus enhancing the performance of the whole accelerator. >>

Fraud: zero tolerance at CERN

In this week’s Bulletin (see here), you’ll read that fraudulent activities were uncovered last year by our Internal Audit Service. CERN has a very clearly defined policy in such cases: we base our efforts on prevention through education, we have a policy of protecting those reporting fraud from recrimination, and we have a zero-tolerance policy should fraud be uncovered. >>

LS1 Report: first beams in the Booster

On Monday, 2 June, the Operations Group injected the first beams into the PS Booster (PSB). The PSB, the second machine in the LHC injector chain to be recommissioned (Linac2 was the first), also provides beams for non-LHC experiments, some of which will need beams for physics as early as this summer. >>

A search engine to find the best data?

What if you could see your experiment’s results in a “page rank” style? How would your workflow change if you could collaborate with your colleagues on a single platform? What if you could search all your event data for certain specifications? All of these ideas (and more) are being explored at the LHCb experiment in collaboration with Internet giant Yandex. >>

CERN’s anti-fraud policy – the outcome of fraud investigations

In the framework of CERN’s anti-fraud policy and in accordance with Operational Circular No. 10, entitled “Principles and procedures governing investigation of fraud”, published in January 2013, a number of fraudulent activities involving several members of the personnel, suppliers and contractors’ staff were investigated by the Internal Audit Service between April and August 2013. >>

Posters: balancing overkill and freedom of expression

The number of posters put up at CERN to inform, engage and invite is growing quickly, and they are taking over an ever-increasing number of walls, doors, pillars and glass panels. In the interests of freedom of information, no official restrictions are in place, but we are nonetheless obliged to maintain a fair balance. Here we discuss this issue. >>

Smoke without fire

Members of the CERN Management recently visited the LHC mock-up at the Safety Training Centre on the Prévessin site. They experienced a realistic emergency simulation, complete with smoke generators and safety alarms. >>

CERN computing equipment for Senegal

On 26 May, CERN once again had the honour of donating computing equipment to a foreign institute. >>

Behind the scenes of GS: the impact of IMPACT

Carrying out a job at CERN can be a complicated task, with coordinators reaching across departments to manage personnel, ensure safety and minimise the impact of their activities on the rest of the Laboratory.  To help coordinators with this tough task, the GS Department developed IMPACT, the platform that, since 2011, has unified CERN's major experiment, accelerator and injector coordination tools. >>

Computer Security: the security marathon, part 2

Do you recall our latest article on the “Security Marathon” (see here) and why it’s wrong to believe that computer security is a sprint, that a quick hack is invulnerable, that quick bug-fixing is sufficient, that plugging security measures on top of existing structures is a good idea, that once you are secure, your life is cosy? >>

Ombud's Corner: tried and trusted

Trust is an essential ingredient in all working relationships. When trust breaks down, conflicts may arise and teams may stop working in harmony. The Ombud is there to help you to find your way out before the point of no return is reached. >>

Last places available for the CERN Science Camp for kids

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Training and Development

Safety training: places available in June  


Discover the new envelopes commemorating CERN’s 60th anniversary  
Last places available for the CERN Science Camp for kids  


Exhibition | Microcosm | 11 June - 19 December | Free Entrance  
CERN Library | Tord Ekelöf presents the proceedings of the Nobel Symposium on the Higgs Boson Discovery and Other Recent LHC Results | 12 June  
Université de Genève | Physics Colloquium | 16 June  
17 June: talk in the memory of Lorenzo Foà (registration before 10 June)  
FCC-ee Physics workshop | 19-21 June 2014  

Staff Association

Why this punishment?  
Kayak CERN Club  
CERN Table Tennis Club  